Originally Posted by Boaplitas View Post

Welcome to the Black Pentagram recruitment thread. In order to join just fill out an application, you may also need to be tested in game.
The app should be free form as we believe it is the best way to tell if somebody is serious about joining the clan. If you have been told you need to be tested then use the command /rf then /sa Penta
to see if there are any members online. ( We can't always find you!)

We try to respond to the app's as soon as possible so remember to keep checking the thread.

There are 3 rules so pay attention.
1. If you are accepted remember to post on the discussion thread. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!
2. You must not post a shitty 1 line application. I will just deny your spam without a moment of hesitation.
3. If you are denied then you must wait a week before you can try to get in the clan again.
This means you should really think about your app before you post.

When you make your app, here are some things you might need to consider. Please do not copy and paste
word for word because your app will be declined.



Describe your activity on forum and ingame:

Will you be participating in events/wars:

Are you active and have an interest in games:

What other online games do you play:


Why have you decided to apply to Black pentagram:

We hope to see you soon

i play toribash cs: cs:go mw2 bo3 gta v whos your daddy minecraft unturned garrys mod roblox tf2

i am 13



i am 2nd dan i love playing this game ik how to run pakour a bit spar all out good idk if im better than you guys but i know im good.If You have steam add me as a friend i will usually be on the whole day unless its important which is usually never
and i wanna be in this clan because i love it
Last edited by POOPDECK6; Jan 10, 2016 at 05:58 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump

That's a no from me;

One word replies,
Shit name,
you play roblox,
and the reason "I wanna be in this clan because I love it"- no. just no.

Try again in 3 years.
Leader of the Mighty Democratic Goblin Empire. Long may it reign.
low forum activity hight tb activity
yes i will be in the wars if asked 2
yes and yes
DirtyBomb unturned DeadSpace3
it seems like a cool clan and its fun to have a challange for once
Kingoblin I just ignored that app xD

Qasmoke39 Ill give you a go. Remember to post on the discussion thread or I kick you from the clan.
Gambi, if you're reading this , then the 01/19/2016 , he has a little burnt ass , it just was very unexpected and a bit ridiculous , I'm sorry ...
*sighs* Really poopdeck? You've been invited, you just haven't seen it yet. Click on the clans tab in between "Market" and "Mods". There'll be a blue box telling you about the invite and you can click accept. I think it sends you a PM too.
(Leash)ApatheticP: plz dont use me
(Leash)KaZyDog: I only use attractive ppl dont worry about it
Username: FierySoul
Age: 13
Country: UK
Active, not much of a war/event guy, Likes to play games like TF2, CS, DayZ etc, Blue belt seeking to become really good at the game. If I Am too low of a belt I shall re-apply when I hit black belt -Thanks
__________________________________________________ ________________________

Describe your activity on forum and ingame: 8/10 because i play almost every day
Will you be participating in events/wars: Yes because i like the challenge
Are you active and have an interest in games: Yes ,i'm really active and i like the principle of the game
What other online games do you play:Minecraft,PetriDish and Garry's Mod
__________________________________________________ ________________________
I want to join Pentagram because there are very good players and this clan has a good reputation
Last edited by xytronbe1; Feb 4, 2016 at 07:51 PM.