But Naut and Blitz almost play the exact same.
if you look at the abilities, they both have grabs. They both have shields. They both have moves that launch enemies into the air. The only thing that changes is the ultimate and one of the abilities in which Blitz would have the passive 100+ damage lightning bolts every 2.5 seconds and active his 150+ crowd control damage and Naut has his undodgeable depth charge which accounts for lost speed that blitz has as one of his abilities.
They both build tanky as well.
The reason why I picked Blitz over Naut is because Naut was 1. Slower and 2. It required lots of adc interaction.
Blitz is fast enough to catch opponents and can do tons of damage without adc interaction until he finishes his grab, power punch, and ultimate damage.
I don't see how Naut has a very different change from Blitz. As a support, his goal is to pick champions and damage them enough for your adc to kill them like you stated, but that's not the only thing he does. If the opponents are warding, they can see him. Once you establish that you are a dangerous threat to the opponents, they'll be stepping back and trying to bait you into hooking. With naut, it's dangerous. If you hit a tower or the wall, you'll pull yourself towards them and potentially die. With blitz, this doesn't happen. The worst annoyance you can have is minions and if you play you cards right, it'll be easy.
Naut has it's advantages. But Blitz isn't completely shit like you think he is. All they really require is that the ADC adapts to you and changes their strategy. Which tbh, they don't really do :/
"Who wouldn't pass up gay sex with Bercat?"
"Day is probably masturbating to Osu"- Hydra 2k15
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
So we got Lucian, Yi, Fiora*, Zed and Leona for project skins?

Fixed. Riven already got new skin on next patch (Tomorrow).

Edited: I'm correct. Project Fiora
Last edited by Chris; Aug 20, 2015 at 01:28 AM.
In 2016, I'm no longer a member of toribash forum. The ex-administration (who's permbanned now) used to power abuse and opposed to me, and we are unable to reach a compromise. I am morally prohibited from staying here. I might still posting around on my friend or clan threads sometimes but not much. Goodbye.
Oracle can prove you wrong on your opinion about Blitzcrank.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Anyone who actually knows how to play blitzcrank can prove him wrong on his opinion. Every support is reliant on adc followup, you cannot use teammate followup as arguments for support viability. If that were the case, every support is horrible is your adc doesn't follow up, aside from passive supports who don't excel at engaging (janna comes to mind).

Blitzcrank not only applies incredible zoning potential. Sitting in a bush waiting to land a hook is one of the worst ways you can play blitzcrank. Let your adc farm in peace, distract your opponent from farming by making them focus on dodging your hook, and give your adc the advantage he needs. Lane pressure isn't only damaging and poking until they back away.

But that's not what blitzcrank is only good at. He can bring so much pressure in mid to late game. Sure he doesn't bring the best abilities for teamfights, but he's not actually meant to teamfight that well. His job is speeding around in front of the enemy team and picking one of them off for your team to destroy. He's made to start a teamfight with the enemy team missing a teammate. Here zoning applies too, you can bet that they will be staring at you waiting for you to hook so they can dodge it, so keep the pressure up, and when you see them straying from their focus to defend a tower or to hit your tower, pull the weakest one you can get your hands on and voila, that's an enemy team member dead (considering your team follows up, which you can't argue that they might not, since this is the late game and they sure as hell want that mid laner/adc/whoever isn't that tanky dead).

If you can't figure out how to do those things, you are the one who isn't playing him how he should be played, not him being bad.

Only good point Hyde actually made about the matter is that at lower elo, blitzcrank is indeed not the best choice, not only because of team reliability, but also you not being to utilize him to his full potential. Unless you know, you practice him a bunch,

Seriously I could've gone on and on if it weren't for this godforsaken exam I'm studying for. I'll bet oracle will be ready to inflict a massive post filled with joyful beep boopiness upon us any time soon.
Last edited by EJM; Aug 20, 2015 at 07:30 AM.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Finally got my hands on a computer temporarily.

That feel when you're 6/1 as Lee Sin, then suddenly you're 6/11. Garen, Morde, and Kayle in the same game is just torture.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
PBE updated (Still WIP) -Spoiled-

I love PROJECT Fiora, Zed, and Yi skin.


PROJECT Zed looks 100x Badass.
Last edited by Chris; Aug 20, 2015 at 10:34 PM.
In 2016, I'm no longer a member of toribash forum. The ex-administration (who's permbanned now) used to power abuse and opposed to me, and we are unable to reach a compromise. I am morally prohibited from staying here. I might still posting around on my friend or clan threads sometimes but not much. Goodbye.
naut and blitz are have VERY different playstyles late game, early game not so much.

naut and blitz both are played in a bully type all in lane with strong burst damage/lots lots of damage adc's. blitz and naut are both used as a direct counter to sustain lanes (farm lanes)such as soraka ashe, nami cait. IF your adc is cait or other weak early/poke adc DON'T play blitz or naut, especially not blitz.

Playing a lane such as blitz graves against a lane such as nami cait you will win your 2v2 fight 100% of the time if you do not misplay hugely. so to win the lane simply zone them. have graves stand further up lane ready to fight if blitz lands a pull and have blitz stand far enough up that if they try to get a cs they have to dodge a pull. Now doing this will leave you susceptible to GANKS, and you will LOSE a 3v2 so avoid it by WARDING and you have won lane.

Now on to the late game, blitz plays late game by looking for a "pick" on an opposing player. This can be accomplished by bad positioning on the enemy side/poor ward coverage, so buy pinks upgrade your red trinket and start clearing my friend. Blitz is a very poor team fighter so your comp must rely on getting picks and following them up. Teammates such as Vi, and Ahri come to mind.

Naut is a teamfight MONSTER this is where naut excels. This guy goes into a teamfight smacks whoever he wants with his anchor and sticks them to the ground. This guys ult can cc whoever he wants and cc anyone who gets in the way. This guys w makes him a beast that hits with aoe damage over time. This guys e has like a 3 second cooldown and slows anyone who wants to party in his teamfight. Oh yea and is that a udyr literally glued to my adc? well i guess i'll just pull him off. naut excels with teammates such as vlad, rumble, amumu, anivia and other teamfight beasts!

hope this helped if you even took the time to read that nonsense.
Originally Posted by Chris View Post
PBE updated (Still WIP) -Spoiled-

I love PROJECT Fiora, Zed, and Yi skin.


PROJECT Zed looks 100x Badass.

They all look the same to me... except for Zed. He's a badass.

Also, damn

I still got it

"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Thing to do next year = Build up a sextuple team with all those skin. And yeah , Cowsep will probably instabuy Yi skin, lol. (Senpai notice me )

Somehow i think like league of tank is coming back with garen/mord/darius...
French Player, Old member of OFRO