well I wont get all members in 1 video it depends if they post replays to the video when this org gets official. Also do you guys have any idea how to make it official?. Should I pm a Org mod?

Before you apply to become official and get your own board, your org must:
Have 50K for the application
Be at least one month old.
Have at least 10 members.
Fulfil all the guidelines and adhere to all the aforementioned Rules.

so yeah nah
I can try to gather 40k for you guys.... its easy enough...
Chara: "Who knew people can have periods from their chests?"
I'll help out raising funds, although i dont have enough for myself and for my own clan
don't get ahead of yourselves with being official. even if you do raise the 50k needed, you should wait a few months minimum before applying, especially since the org isn't too authentic (ormo is a thing) so the chances of being accepted now (imagining we had 50k and being at least a month old) are really small.

i'd recommend actually putting the org to use (i can't exactly tell what's the purpose of it other than having members, because if it's for cnc and helping each other and stuff i don't see it happen much) instead of just having a member list and discussing videos and becoming official.
Sorry guys if I'm inactive, I can't touch my computer everytimes ^^

About this rpl, Sometimes my name isn't correct and They have an other name, I don't know why .
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I think he's dead ....rpl (228.9 KB, 3 views)
Last edited by Mercurit; Oct 23, 2015 at 06:17 PM.