when I start up the game and create a account it says timeout was reached create your account at and when i have done that now so when i log in it just stands:
''a timeout was reached'' please help?
New Toribash Downdates on blast.
I think its important in a game to fix GUI[user interface] and GPI[gameplay] bugs first, these 2 main squashes are rather annoying, Chat interference and the camera rotation using the mouse.

Rotating the camera with the mouse in the 3.7+ causes the mouse to stray from its click point rather than stay fixed. now when playin against skilled players, the intense rotating often becomes clumzy and annoying, FAIL, fix that immediately. or 3.69 will be resident on systems for a long time.

second, What the F is that right click menu crap on the screen when playing?? I thought menu's in games are hot keyed or removed/disabled while playing until pressed, not popped up in the middle of the screen. Fail. Fix that like yesterday, its unneeded.

Chat interface should be default chat while in queue or spec. why is T to talk or ENTER needed when yur not playing? what are we gonna do? contract joints and relax all while waiting? Improvement needed there. Hot keys, please assign to Ctrl + [key] eg. ghosts etc. and make chat default. then while fighting, enable playmode buttons, disable chat interface buttons. put that right click menu in the chat mode, hotkey it for playmode.

once again another game play interface problem, instaboost button y is it ON the screen? thats as annoying as clickable links ON the screen when fighting, come on, move it and put it on the Main menu or hot key it, it doesnt repair all broken joints or act as a supermove button. y is it even visable onscreen?

and last. This is the most annoyin of the lot. 2 buttons on the keyboard needed for Grab/release, plzzzzzzzzzzz A Left hand grab/release button and another for Right hand grab/release. the Joints get hidden in the clutter of a fight and the grab hands just fail to be indentified to mouse over and click. please please please. add that left hand right hand grab control button.

Another thing. what is the limit for flames? 200? flames are cool but imagine this. 2 ghosts, 4 trails, 5 or 6 flames, and a fight where we have to find the little hand between 2 bodies... what is the sense in fighting then? we could just stand and stare at each other's customizations and call toribash Torifashion. not the mention the load on the GPU and CPU, 5 fps, because all the math onscreen, Ver.69 is more comfortable to play, please put it back up for version download options.

Toribash 69 - rating 7/10
Toribash 72 - rating 2/10

Let us pray for a brighter more enhanced Toribash gameplay feel. A-men.
in the instaboost window ingame, the name for germany should be deutschland not deuthschland <.<
Attached Thumbnails
shook: Here i thought Wibbles had reached rock bottom, and then this guy brings a pickaxe.
♪ 『macAbrE』 ♫
When trying to make a room with my friend I get the following "Unable to create new room, please try again." I kept trying but I always got that same message. Then I asked my friend to try and he had the same problem. Untill a couple days ago we had no problems whatsoever.
Clan Blood Leader
256MB radeons don't seem to display Tori and Uke properly with shaders.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
I have an ati radeon 9550 (256 mb), everything works fine. Except the fact that I can't have bumpmaps and ambient occlusion together.
Whoop Whoop
random 3.72 crashes.

Here is the stderr:

failed to load texture data/textures//menu
failed to load texture data/textures//menu
Fluid blood supported (level 4 of 4)
Ambient Occlusion + Bumpmapping supported (level 12 of 12)
Buffer 0 is dimensions 200 200
Buffer 1 is dimensions 2048 2048
failed to load texture data/textures//menu
Fluid blood supported (level 4 of 4)
Ambient Occlusion + Bumpmapping supported (level 12 of 12)
Buffer 0 is dimensions 200 150
Buffer 1 is dimensions 2048 2048

any ideas?
"Splint Chesthair" - Is my real name.
You don't get your ingame earnings if:
If you win a round, the guy you fought goes to the back of the line. If the guy who is about to fight you leaves, two things happen.

The replay becomes unsavable if it was good (like in my case)

You don't get any tcs from your win.
I bought 2 arm trails (left: chronos, right: gladiator) and clicked activate, then i runned the game and now the trails are not there and the sound doesn't work (you can hear the music, but the swoosh from the arm swings, the pain sounds from the enemies and all the other sounds than the music)