Make a GOT SKILL? Tourney ....
Reaction time set to 2
loads of frames
turnframes 10
a round dojo
yes grab
yes dq, outside and inside
there must be some weapons around

fracture on - 500
dismemberment on - 325

If this is done .... well .... thank you
Winning means dominating over countless dead bodies
I feel like the more GM tourneys I join, the less exciting it gets. After fighting through 32 other random people and then you win radioactive force or orc ETC.... it just gets tiring and counter-productive to even waste there time joining.
uGKratos, when growing up, does chucky cheese feel the same compared to when you were 7, and how you are right now?

Basically everything gets more dull the more we do it. Its like cutting with a knife, with each slash it gets duller and less effective each time