Originally Posted by Flames View Post
I'm just doing whatever people need help with. Today all I did was sweep and clean the shop, so coulda been more interesting but I still enjoy it. Last few days I've worked a lot on the laminator, but mostly sanding. Some of it just general sanding like makin it smooth so the spray booth guy can work his magic, but also some detailing sanding for these cool little shelf things.

Guys in my placement are hilarious tho. Today when I was sweep a guy comes up to me with his phone and says "emmm... this here... this is my neighbor. You like?" and it's just some model in some suuuuper skimpy bikini and he's like "you jealous? I'm lucky guy right?" and I'm just dying, it was so good. Also when I was cleaning found a... newspaper... kinda. It looked like one but it was just all advirtisments for prostitutes. I saw it and was just like "moving on"

A few of the guys are a bit spooky tho. A few of them got these 5 dot tattoos on their right hand and I wanted to know what it meant and it's apparently like a brand so people knows their convicted criminals or some shit. Staying away from them lmao

Weeks from now, flames has prostitutes, has tattoos, goes to jail lmao XD
"People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."—Bryan White
And to think my little bro Flames was just a wee boy without a clue about woodshop or cabnitery or tattoos or prostitutes when we met. His biggest worries were well rooted in mining diamonds and demonite and how to establish long-term friends in Farmville.

He's all grown up and I fear he'll soon fly the coop


Krulls! What a surprise, i didn't expect to see you once again, not sure if you're back, but that's nice to see you.
Been a long time really. x)
Originally Posted by Krulls View Post
And to think my little bro Flames was just a wee boy without a clue about woodshop or cabnitery or tattoos or prostitutes when we met.

He's all grown up and I fear he'll soon fly the coop



Literally 8 hours later.

Let's keep the fist from dying ; )
"People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."—Bryan White
Activity Checks will be Starting this week.
Already I have kicked @Jenson as he has been
un-banned for many weeks and completely inactive.

You are required to be active on discord, threads or
in game, if you have been in active for longer than 2 weeks
you will be Kicked
"People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."—Bryan White
hows it going everyone very happy to be apart of this

ShhhMikes Moderated Message:
Gaara! You made it on the dead thread!
Last edited by Mikes; Apr 13, 2017 at 05:08 AM.
Future Swede/WAPOW Co-Leader
Originally Posted by LordGaara View Post
hows it going everyone very happy to be apart of this

Good. Welcome to the family. The family where we give each other shit, and no one gets pissy about it. XD