Belt:brown soon black
Why you want to join:i wanna belong somewhere T.T
What you can offer:loyal guy who rises up fast ( i win bout 100-200 battles a day)
Favourite mod:instagibfeet
How active you are:everyday
(you will be tested )
what sort of event :3
Been here since 09', Former Co-Lead of [MLP]. I'm here to stay. RIP to the lost brothers through the years, non of you're forgotten
Belt:Brown Belt
Why you want to join:I'm all alone :*(
What you can offer:Boyish good looks and humorous remarks/some skill?
Favourite mod:Aikido
How active you are:After school.Pretty much...All the time
Name: HellMijit
Belt: Black
Age: 11
Why i want to join: coz Kinddomz is a cool clan
Rank: 297
Best Mod: Judo
Yes, hellmigit, you're awesome in-game and you're got awesome textures!
you definately in