Originally Posted by SruX View Post
im going in game now someone who hasn't voted yet please find me

I was playing against Srux. He's pretty good, good enough to join in my opinion. Not amazing or anything, but I think he is good enough.
This guy was once a GameMaster
k, so PieGod and me just played a few matches with SruX (I joined a bet server and he asked if I'd like to test him).

He did good against me on aikido.tbm - actually, he beat me twice. I didn't win a single match on this mod, sorry for disappointing you, Neko-chan and iver-kun.

On ABD I did better and beat him 2/0.

He won one and lost another against PieGod while I was testing. They played some other ones after I stopped watching, so I can't really tell. :P
but there was one match where he threw piegod out of the dojo and another one where piegod raped him, by ripping his pec and wrist off

Well, let me change my vote now: it's a yes for SruX.
He has a nice playstyle and we had good fights. He also seems to be a nice person and I believe he's really interested in joining the org. He posted multiple replays attending to Neko's demands; whispered me, so we could do the ingame test, etc.

Here are some of the test's replays:
Attached Files
SruX test 1.rpl (55.2 KB, 5 views)
SruX test 2 - PieGod.rpl (57.9 KB, 5 views)
SruX test 3.rpl (41.3 KB, 4 views)
SruX test 4 - PieGod.rpl (38.5 KB, 4 views)
SruX test 5.rpl (60.6 KB, 4 views)
That was really bad sorry.
Someone tell me why this guy is highly respected by some people ???
Hi [TA], My name is Pedro, also known as curvine here in toribash, i am 15 years old, I am from Brasil, specifically i live in Maceio that is a beach town of Brazil,

I am kinda new on toribash, joined in 2014, and just started to play seriously in 2015, any way i would say that i am decent on aikido, it was my favorite mod since the beginning, I really like aikido because it seems to be the fairest mod, the one that the guy with skills will win and also, 90% of the clan wars are in abd, so i play it a lot :v.

At all, i never had a "fight style", lately in this year i always used some offensive openers, trying to dm easy with the knee or the pec, some moves that my friends ago and Arctic taught me. Nowadays i try to adaptate to the opponent fight style, if he have a neutral approach like the "relax noob clap" i just try to get my legs prepared for a suplex or some spins, if he do aggressive moves like snap kicks i have my own openers to counter it.

I like to play on the ground, i would say that my best move is my "spin" i always try to spin the opponent to get him with the belly up, and throw him on the ground, defensively i am not good, so i like to fight good people to to be in situations of hard saves and things like that.

I am not on my main pc so i just have old replays and they are not really good, but any way.
Attached Files
adwa.rpl (58.1 KB, 5 views)
poxa vida ein ow.rpl (55.2 KB, 5 views)
risoles.rpl (41.0 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by Curvine; May 9, 2015 at 05:20 AM.
Seems nice. My vote is yes Curvine.
|[TA]|[MLO]|Team Pokemon|
Fear sucks eggs
This is what I'm looking for. Nice app, explained most of needed information.

For Replays:
1. Pretty nice job you did there, you saved yourself and makes your opponent DQed because of his own elbow.
2. The decap you did is not because of your opener eh, you moved your hand back and then do the decap. Really nice decap.
3. Too destructive. But you did a good job and DQed your opponent first before you got DQed yourself. You turned into half but you grabbed your enemy's hand so your chance to win increased. Nice job.

I'll vote yes for this guy.
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The warrior guided by the spirit serves humanity, the warrior without, serves the ego.
Curvine and SruX have been accepted. Welcome guys.

Also: Nerobe, Jeferson, Deadpurp and tully3 are still being evaluated. If you still didn't vote on them, do it in the next hours.
No to Deadpurp

Not voting on tully. Bias.
|[TA]|[MLO]|Team Pokemon|
Fear sucks eggs