Original Post
*Nabi Massive Monkee Breakdance Comp*
This shall be a special Nabi Comp, Sponsored by Gman80, Lightningkid, Tonakai, and I.

The Comp is In honor of The Bboy team, Massive Monkees.

This comp will take a different turn from the original fighting and mutilation that we see in everyday Toribash.
Gone are the days of madmans and headkicks, A new era has begun, OF BREAKDANCE :3
lame writing aside though

This Comp is going to consist of your best Breakdancing replays, get your headspins charged, and post some epicness.

Ok, here is the deal.

Your replays shall consist of BOTH TORI AND UKE Breakdancing.
Fighting will not be allowed in these replays, but if you want, interaction between tori and uke is allowed *one helping the other spin faster or some crazy thing*

Edit: Ok, when I say that they should both be breakdancing, I mean that in saying that they should both dance at least once in the replay. If you want to go for a dance-off style replay, have fun with it

You can post up to 3 replays, up to 5000 frames each of your best moves.
You can Use either classic.tbm, or Sambo.tbm we are quite flexible on this tho

It doesn't matter what engage distance you start at, but it would be best if Uke and tori stays in a closer proximity so we can see everything that is going on up close.

For your entry to qualify for this comp, Both Tori and Uke must be moving breakdancing at all times.
The Entries should show a mix between Fluidity, Grace, Power, Style, and anything else that will make us love you.

If you need some inspiration for this, or you need to know what breakdancing looks like, check out some of these videos.

Once it is established that your entry qualifies for further judging, The Entries will be judged off of the criteria I mentioned above, basically those criteria that should depict your skill level in this dance.
Since this is a singleplayer replay comp, I do expect precise movements, fluid Moving, and synchronized dancing with uke. Basically, show that you spent more than 5 minutes on this :P

Once the Contest is over, the judging will consist of 2 vote sets.
The first shall be a community vote in which the regular community votes for their top 3 favorite replays. After that is counted up, a seekrit GK Vote in which we decide the winner based on our favorites and your votes.
Included in the Ending GK vote is a special guest. Yes, We will have a real Bboy here to judge this comp. This Bboy knows Toribash well enough to differentiate between good and bad, so you should try and impress him

From the time of this post, you will have 3 weeks to create something amazing that will stun us all
This means that the contest ends on June 30th at 1600GMT

Because this is a special nabi comp requested by Gman himself, the prize will be amazingly high
1st = 200k TC and 1 limited edition item provided by Gman himself
2nd = 90K TC
3rd = 40K TC
*Prizes subject to change at the Gk/Mod's complaints*

Ok then, IF you guys have any questions, feel free to PM Gman80, LightningKid, Tonakai, or Me.

Besides that though, Have fun, Be creative, post epicness, and most of all


Originally Posted by bboydanL View Post
oh hey guys,
DanL here, most of the points have been summed up nicely in the first post.

Music has been asked about recently,
Any hip hop song is fine the more old school the better hehe
James Brown
Eric B Rakim
gang starr

go for tracks with a solid beat - not a basic thump thump
youtube search any of the above examples and you'll get a nice feel.

Hope this helps out!


Last edited by Gman80; Jun 17, 2008 at 10:15 AM.
5:13 PM - vasp: everybody's nuts is so good
[00:18:38] <&vespesi3n> you should see when i swallow
[21:49:37] <&vespesi3n> >my mouth when
[21:49:43] <&vespesi3n> >my tastebuds when
Read the last post I made.

I am locking this to prevent further spam.

The second vote will come in within the next day or so.
5:13 PM - vasp: everybody's nuts is so good
[00:18:38] <&vespesi3n> you should see when i swallow
[21:49:37] <&vespesi3n> >my mouth when
[21:49:43] <&vespesi3n> >my tastebuds when
Dude. The Gamekeepers have to go through 26 pages of replays. Watching every replay and telling mosier their top 5. You can't expect them to do that in 1 day. Give them some time. Also there will be a public vote with the top 5 participants so you will notice when it's over.
Oblivion: that wasn't hilarious
Oblivion: it was brilliantly complex though
Oblivion: hands down man
Oblivion: today I genuinely believe more than I ever did before
Oblivion: that you are better than me
Oblivion: gg NutHug

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