Rammus is so cool. I'm sad that he went free since I'm gonna be seeing a lot more of him now.

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do
I started playing LoL a bit. So far been Cho'gath a lot. From what I can tell he's quite a tank...but I'm sure I'm wrong and he actually sucks

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He is a tank. He's really good when used right. I'm terrible with him.

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do
So I think Riot is planning to release Innervating Locket back into the game. Is there any proof outside of the LoL lore article?
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by may0naise View Post
I started playing LoL a bit. So far been Cho'gath a lot. From what I can tell he's quite a tank...but I'm sure I'm wrong and he actually sucks

He's actually really good right now.
Originally Posted by may0naise View Post
I started playing LoL a bit. So far been Cho'gath a lot. From what I can tell he's quite a tank...but I'm sure I'm wrong and he actually sucks

Cho is currently one of the best solo top champs in the game, he's pretty hard to use correctly, but when you do he really can tear up team fights
Cho'gath in my opinion is also one of the best junglers in the game, up there with Nocturne, Udyr, and Fiddlesticks. I pick up a Cho'gath jungle when my team needs a tank. He's just really versatile, great ganks, great sustainability, and a good clear time. Another really great quality about him is that he doesn't need the blue buff in order to jungle. The blue buff is basically just for the xp, so it won't completely fuck up your early game if you get ganked there (unlike Amumu. He's an amazingly overrated champion).
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

I'm taking offers for my set
So who tried dominon?

I got two games in and were the most fun 45 minutes of my life ( the two games togeather ) First game, we were face rolling the entire game, had them at 100 we had 300.
they pushed back and it was 70 to 14. we turned the game around and won 4 to 0.
I was on the edge my seat screaming for the entire game. So fucking fun.

Also the second was just a faceroll. we all knew how to play, they didn't.

Jarvan ftw.