Suhu itu mungkin semacam paranormal atau apalah yang berkaitan dengan hal2 supranatural. (biasanya orang cina)
u wot m8
Suhu menunjukkan derajat panas benda. Mudahnya, semakin tinggi suhu suatu benda, semakin panas benda tersebut. Secara mikroskopis, suhu menunjukkan energi yang dimiliki oleh suatu benda. Setiap atom dalam suatu benda masing-masing bergerak, baik itu dalam bentuk perpindahan maupun gerakan di tempat getaran. Makin tingginya energi atom-atom penyusun benda, makin tinggi suhu benda tersebut.

Sebuah peta global jangka panjang suhu udara permukaan rata-rata bulanan dalam proyeksi Mollweide.[1][2][3][4][15][sunting]

This article does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( October 2008 )
Last edited by jokerstein; Jul 9, 2013 at 10:37 PM.
Enigma | Indonesian?
rip aelise, she wil b remembrd
Originally Posted by 456654 View Post
Suhu itu mungkin semacam paranormal atau apalah yang berkaitan dengan hal2 supranatural. (biasanya orang cina)

Suhu = eyang

Close enuf
Somebody please blacklist thewarz from our ORG, I'm getting enough pain for telling him how to apply to this org before posting.
u wot m8
Yes its not double posting, as long as the time interval already passed 24 hours.

I won't put him into blacklist.
Everyone has to start somewhere, including you once.
Unless he do something that might harm us, there is no need to blacklist him.
Yeah, sorry that because I'm dizzy with his action in this org forum, I tell him 3 or 4 times but he still like an idiot
u wot m8
Well, just wait. You warned him already and, It's his choice. Change or Keep being an Asshole.

I should download the newest version of Toribash.
Last edited by Raiken; Jul 14, 2013 at 07:06 AM.
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