Re: Multiplayer name
Originally Posted by [PF
Emo-Boy ]
i am:

[PF]Emo-Boy [PheonixCorp]


wow, i thaough you'd never be a kiss ass to tom LMAO!!!

oh yea, emo boy you gona have to leave phenix corp in are game and get your but in gear cus we need a name for OUR corporation, i've asked ducky to come up with a few ideas and if he REALY wants in to our shop area, by the way is 25% you 25% me 50% ducky fine with you? in terms of cash... cus we both don't realy cear about cash :P

in relevence:

new names all corisponding to new heads...

[PF]Siegeis (emo boy, the normaly new sieg head, insperation from a 3D strange web cam on dev art.)
[PF]SiegeisTECH (made by cevius, slitly cooler than normal version, not compleat)
[PF]Siegeiskitty (emo boy, a hello kitty version)
[PF]Siegeisowch (a dead broken version)
[PF]Siegeisxmas (i get a christmas hat)
[PF]SiegeisGrrr (name might be changed, angry version.)
[PF]Siegeissomethingorrather there are some others, i forget the names :P