Original Post
Superfuntastic giveaway
Well I have quit toribash for quite some time now and I realized that I forgot to do something with my stuff. So it just being Christmas yesterday I thought that I could do something special for someone. So I made this giveaway.

I will be giving away all my items away to one person.

items are:
gentleman's essentials
full hunter w/o hair
head texture
5k in tc
head avatar

how to participate? ALL you have to do is post a comment about saying what you like to do/did for Christmas and your comment will count and be summited into my raffle.

1.you only can post once
2.must be at least a green belt (alt purposes)
3.dont post questions on this thread. pm me them
4.have fun ;)

Important things to know:

I will only be allowing 50 people to participate. So after the 50th post any other comments will be ignored and I will put 50 numbers in a hat or something and do it that way.

If I am missing anything staff then let me know because I haven't done this in a while.

anyone caught breaking the rules will be excluded from the raffles.

merry Christmas everyone
I partied, ate lots of cookies, and when I got 50 dollars in cash for Christmas, I donated to the homeless.
And played toooooribash! Lol
I gave presents to my classmates then did random stuff bllalbllalbllla. And then on christmas day we set fireworks to teh sky and partied so hard, then at the end of the day i prayed to the lord silently and said: Happy Birthday, and a Merry Christmas to you.
[insert name here] [insert name here] [insert name here]
I played a domino game with my 85 year old great grandmother, and I got to spend a lot of time with my extended family that I never see. It was fun doing something other than Toribash. Catching up with people I otherwise will probably never see again unless they get enough money to come and see me(poor family) my grandfather had to spend his retirement money on their plane tickets.

After that I came home, opened up some presents, played my new XBox (my father worked his ass off for the money), then had dinner with my close family. Great day if you ask me. I bet yours was great -Ze- (:
Originally Posted by Mystery View Post
I played a domino game with my 85 year old great grandmother, and I got to spend a lot of time with my extended family that I never see. It was fun doing something other than Toribash. Catching up with people I otherwise will probably never see again unless they get enough money to come and see me(poor family) my grandfather had to spend his retirement money on their plane tickets.

After that I came home, opened up some presents, played my new XBox (my father worked his ass off for the money), then had dinner with my close family. Great day if you ask me. I bet yours was great -Ze- (:

Luckily I was able to see some extended family a few weeks ago, those times indeed are priceless and I'm glad to have those memories. The past few days have been blah for myself, is all.
Last edited by eRekd; Dec 27, 2013 at 05:55 AM.
Didn't get any present, But i sent xD
and all my christmas day was in the bathroom, i ate a lot, really...
I am Back :>
Feel free to pm me about any Art request.