Originally Posted by Ladder View Post
Yeah Zombie disease is actually pretty probable.
Remember that disease called Swine Flu? No-one predicted that and people died because people didn't expect a pig disease to mutate.

What if another disease that we expect only animals to have, mutates and spreads to humans? We will all be fucked.

... It killed tens of people, much less then the regular flu. Anyways, if only people would stop fucking animals, the swine flu/aids would have never happened.
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
That is impossible. First: the brain decomposes, and would be unable of firing neurons, interneurons and motorneurons. The chemicals called neurotransmitters wouldn't be produced, and the endocrine system wouldn't function. Second: the muscles/skin decomposes, you can't move any limb or anything if there is no muscle to move it. No dead person will ever come back to life(unless clinically deceased mid bypass surgery, or, fake-dead.)

As I said,what if a mad scientist created a virus and injected it to a dead body that died like 1 minute ago?

The muscles and brain dont decompose in 1 minute,do they?
Mayonnaise colored Benz, I push Miracle Whips
I definitly think that the survivors would be able to defend themselves.

I mean, zombies are slow and stupid. We are the complete opposite of that.

I could probably beat down multiple zombies without problems.
Originally Posted by Simon View Post
I definitly think that the survivors would be able to defend themselves.

I mean, zombies are slow and stupid. We are the complete opposite of that.

I could probably beat down multiple zombies without problems.

There is still danger, son. One accidently bites you, the virus spreads and you become one of them. Also, you are forgetting that you have to protect others (family etc) as well which is harder than only saving yourself.
The possibility of a zombie apocalypse is very unlikely.
The is a possibility of a virus mutation is likely but, again, unlikely to happen.
If it does happen, we'll be ready.
We have weapons, possible vaccines and the military.

Zombies vs Humans..
Humans will win.

Also, zombies are quite dumb. They attack anything that moves. It will try and attack a bear. The bear will rip it apart, and obviously eat it. The zombie is chasing a deer, the deer goes around the fire, while the zombie goes through it. The zombie burns to death.

Either way, zombies are going to fail if an apocalypse were to break out.
Last edited by EviLock; Oct 30, 2011 at 04:16 PM.
Originally Posted by Numbaonah View Post
As I said,what if a mad scientist created a virus and injected it to a dead body that died like 1 minute ago?

The muscles and brain dont decompose in 1 minute,do they?

They decompose enough to make neurons unable to fire. A virus wouldn't do much to a dead body anyway.
I find it funny how everyone replies to the thread thinking that zombies are slow and stupid.
If you haven't seen them, how do you know how they behave/are?

I'd expect a few deformations on their body and being completely insane.

I still think humans would win though, due to what we have evolved/done, we have guns, the military, etc.

Unless the zombies are invisible :o Then we would have to bomb the planet.
oh yeah
Personally I don't believe that a zombie outbrake could ever be possible mainly because it is impossible for a decomposed body (such has the body of the tipical zombie) to move.
Another reason is that the "zombie virus", as seen on every movie, infects someone in less than 1 day, no virus can do that. Minimum time for a virus to incubate is 2 days.

I do believe that an extremely viral rabies strain could infect someone in order to drive that person really really mad, somewhat like a zombie.
One accidently bites you, the virus spreads and you become one of them

tss, fool do you know who I am?

I would've been like..

** dodge **

and the zombie would've been like

** phail **
Last edited by Simon; Oct 31, 2011 at 10:15 AM.
Zombie? As in a reanimated dead person? No.
Infected? Yes, but would they survive long enough for it to be a proper outbreak? No.