Sure, I dont have a head anyway, As long as its blue or green c: mabye if its purple.
So, no one has an idea on what to do with the ranks, we are wanting to retrofit our ranking system so please put down your ideas c:
well this is my weekly update still a third dan
if there was a clan head I might wear it I like the way mine looks but if it looks cool than I'd wear it
as for ranks no idea but something different than just listing us by our belts would be good
hi im matt
ok so this is what i think iam going to do with the ranks.
leader, co leader, members, warlords, prospects. sound good?
Can't forget the banker, I wanted somthing else (Jokas knows :3) but still need it if were get official as soon as possible.
Sorry to barge in like this idk if Im welcome but to get official you need to apply etc... and need 50K!
[Nitro]| [TFF]|[TMO]"Jet beams don't melt steel fuel"~Bercat.
"01000001 01100010 01110010 01100001 01111000 01100001 01110011 "
In Game Name: drsmiles88
Age: 15
Belt: black belt
Country and timezone: ohio
How active are you in-game and forums?(1-10): 3
Any clans you joined before us? No
What mod are you good in? judo is my best
Why do you want to join us?: it sound like a good clan and my friend legit is in it and i want to be in a clan.