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Juntalis's House of Employment
Okay, guys. We were talking and have come to the conclusion that while this community is awesome, we could make it even better. In turn, I've decided to establish: Juntalis's House of Employment. In the below fields, you will find jobs with cash incentives tacked on. To apply for one of these jobs, you need only to fill out a form I will have at the bottom of this post. Any replies made that do not include a filled out application will be deleted, and the user who makes said reply will be infracted. That is all.

Current Job Listings
You need not apply for this job. Just do it, and PM Juntalis.
Wiki Writers
Pay: 200TC - 2000TC
Description: This is one of the easiest jobs out there. You will write articles in the Toribash Wiki which can be found here. The only requirement is that the article must be at least 500 words long for you to be paid. Additionally, try to make it a decent article, at the very least. Including pictures is also a plus. You will be paid an amount depending on how good your article is.
Contact: Juntalis

Tournament Organizers
Pay: Set TC per Fighter. Will be negotiated.
Description: You will be in charge of setting up Nabi daily tournaments. Schedules, etc can be negotiated, and good GKs get rewards.
Contact: Shogan, Juntalis(Until we get it set up. When that happens, just Shogan.)


Position Applying for:
Why you would be a good candidate (Experience, skills, etc):
Why you want to do this job:
Last edited by Shogan; Jun 26, 2008 at 04:24 PM.

Position Applying for:Tournament Organizer

Why you would be a good candidate (Experience, skills, etc):Well, i hosted 2 tourney's before this(from my own money), and tbh, i actually like making replay tourney's(as in, watching the replays) :3, I'm also IRC, Forum, and in-game active.

Why you want to do this job:I like making tourney's, I like watching the replays from tourney's, and watching live tourney's also ;3(even if they are like 1280934712391820 hour long tourney's) and if someone loses, and get all pissy, i know how to handle it

References:Tonakai, Mosier, Patrick_unrated, hector, Desertpunk, Delaid, Ravenger, Fyerrblad, tripstone, ishi(?), sahee, kntornsrin.

Uhm...I would make the list longer but i wouldnt want to bore you ;3

Edit : I have a question, by "contact" under the tournament organizer, do we have to PM them with this application also?
Last edited by 2worlds; Jun 26, 2008 at 09:57 PM.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Name: Malalar
Position Applying for: Tournament Organizer or Wiki Writers ( I like them both)
Why you would be a good candidate (Experience, skills, etc): I am very active. I know how to set up stuff for servers. If people dont like the mod i will try to see what one everyone wants to play. I like to write xD ey.
Why you want to do this job: Because i think it would be fun to help out toribash, this is my favorite game and i would liek to learn more about stuff on it.
References: Me :P
"Friendly fire - isn't."
ok...what about wiki writers? and i have a part of an article written, who should i send it to?
Originally Posted by Juntalis View Post
NOTE: On further scrutiny, Nabi Staff has come the realization that Juntalis is a retard and that the "Tournament Organizer" position is already covered by the Game Keeper position. Therefore, we will be rejecting all applications previously posted, and making note that any application after this post will be void. THANKS!

Seriously, this is gold. Very, fucking hilarious! xD
Originally Posted by PlayerID666 View Post
Name: PlayerID666
Position Applying for: Tournament Organizer
Why you would be a good candidate (Experience, skills, etc): I've hosted tourneys before, and I know how to keep idiots under control.
Why you want to do this job: Organizers keep whining about how hard their job is.
References: You.

He posted very early, and he would make a kickass GameKeeper. Doo eet.
Application for the Wiki Writer Position.
Name: Drummer

Position Applying for: Wiki Writer
Why you would be a good candidate (Experience, skills, etc): I am a very experienced writer and have a college level in reading. My spelling is excellent, on account that I am the best speller over my Freshman precedents. I am also very active, I speak clearly, using a broad and understandable vocabulary.

Why you want to do this job: I love typing articles, and I love writing in general. I will be very grateful if I am handed the job. And will try my best to be an outstanding writer. I also love helping people through FAQS and tech support. I am online every day and every night. I have a cell phone for texting so if you need to know any information ask for my cell and I'll give you what you want to know.

References: You, Juntalis. Thanks for the opportunity to fill out this application.
Last edited by Drummer; Jul 15, 2008 at 06:51 AM.
I have left Toribash, but will drop in occasionally on the forums and IRC. Still in Sigma.
never mind
Last edited by C0XY; Jun 27, 2008 at 09:00 AM. Reason: foolishness
Originally Posted by Juntalis View Post
NOTE: On further scrutiny, Nabi Staff has come the realization that Juntalis is a retard and that the "Tournament Organizer" position is already covered by the Game Keeper position. Therefore, we will be rejecting all applications previously posted, and making note that any application after this post will be void. THANKS!

OMG... this is a mess!... Nevermind, I'll make a copy of this thread over in the events instead and make some amendments to make it a GK application form.
Last edited by Chartle; Jun 30, 2008 at 12:45 PM. Reason: lolwut
[o]|ORMO|Replay thread!
Last edited by Chartle; Tomorrow at 13:37 AM..