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"Good" and "evil"
Are almost the same thing. They are both based on the way someone percieves their lives

Or even just ways they respond to their emotion. You cant really distinguish between them because if you have the same opinion as people like lets say Ghaddafi then you aren't automatically evil are you?

Many famous heroes in history had imperfections

Morals aren't always prevelent.
I'm a pretty likeable person and I know for a fact many people disagree with my opinions, am I evil?
No, people like Hitler were righteous in some minds, but since such things as good or evil are
opinions, who's to say they exist at ALL?
Some of these things are reasons I personally believe that statuses are subjective to opinion and thus you can not for a fact have a status based on things you do, but rather only things you are.
Since a person doesn't change based on other people's opinions there is no good or evil.
