its not wasting money, we all stay because this game is truly unique. Most players who have been here have stayed because there is no other game like toribash. Show the respect this game and community it deserves.
There was some discussion in #toribash today about TBN, I was surprised that melrose and matarika didn't touch it. I feel like we wont know much about the state of TBN until release day. Maybe there's an NDA in place.
Originally Posted by gunop View Post
Not just with the items, but I feel like everyone's sentiment is more or less the same regarding the game as a whole. After talking to the best Toribash player who shall remain unnamed and taking another look at the physics in the trailer it looks more to me like Sumotori Dreams Next than Toribash. All things considered I'm reluctantly starting to look less forward to it and made me realize how Toribash is an even more perfect game than I thought it. The new content is still exciting though, 4-player duels are something I've wanted forever. Regardless I'm still hopeful that sir can train in the hyperbolic boxshu chamber and surpass hampa's gamemaking power level and makes the next best game ever with metaverse integration and the Toribash community can finally diet after raging. Worst case scenario sir accidentally gets his wrist dm'd (carpal tunnel) and then the game reruns its inevitable fate as some short-lived YouTube bait, but at least then people will be back to Toribash Normal.

I have been asking for the metaverse integration for a while now still hopeful for the future maybe it will, maybe it wont it, But I do agree that it will give a sense of evolution while preserving the essence of Toribash.
I reciprocate the sentiments.
Originally Posted by GHOSTFACEKILLAH View Post

to me, lol

aint getting another bannerino, no way

[s] [tgs] [w] [dp]
Clan League 2013 & 2019 Champion
It's a new game that's going to exist separately from Toribash so everyone starts fresh with completely separate accounts. In fact, TBN just uses your Steam / Epic account, we don't hold a lot of info on our servers (a bit more with Epic compared to Steam but still).

Toribash will continue receiving updates, it's not getting abandoned after TBN release.

Also hey stop exposing Kros, staff definitely didn't know he's been illegally selling TC.
You spent 650 usd on cosmetics in a rag doll fighting game over 10 years, I've spent 0 over 15. We are not the same.
Originally Posted by sir View Post
It's a new game that's going to exist separately from Toribash so everyone starts fresh with completely separate accounts. In fact, TBN just uses your Steam / Epic account, we don't hold a lot of info on our servers (a bit more with Epic compared to Steam but still).

Toribash will continue receiving updates, it's not getting abandoned after TBN release.

Also hey stop exposing Kros, staff definitely didn't know he's been illegally selling TC.

So basically nicknames system will be like in CS/Dota2? You put "NagibatorTpaxep228" and can change it as often as you want?

If not then will our nicknames be reserved in TBN?

[s] [tgs] [w] [dp]
Clan League 2013 & 2019 Champion