Original Post
General Local Moderator Spots

We are in some real need of new local moderators to be assigned to the General section of the forum. Namely, Discussion and Rapid Threads however I may take one other Off-Topic Moderator if they happen to indescribably awesome.

If you are interested please PM me your application. The application is free-form meaning I will not give you a set format. However some mandatory things to include are your GMT, activity hours and past experience. In the application please include which board you are interested in moderating, applying for both RT and Discussion is not a problem if you can show me you are up to the task. Please note any applications posted in this thread will be laughed at and then thoroughly ignored.

I will keep the applications open until Friday and will then name the new moderators on Sunday night. Feel free to ask any questions you may have in this thread and good luck.
In general terms they help people ,deal with infractions,deal with account issues (hacking, scaming...) and so on.
It includes:
Moving, closing and deleting threads. Moving, closing and deleted posts. Organizing stickies, improving and adding new rules(After confirming with a higher-up, of course) and other things in that general area. The infraction system is not included, neither is any of the modcp.
Back for good.
I think your getting local mod's mixed up with super moderators, local moderators don't have the power to infract if I'm correct only art local mods do, and local mods don't deal with account issues nor hacking. You just need to make sure every post/thread abides by that forums rules, and of course the global forum rules.

And what he said ^
<Fish> How is being a dumbass a form of venting? Is this some sort of flatulence related joke?
So, local moderators scan the threads looking for posts/threads that do not abide by the rules, and go through with the appropriate action? Seems simple enough, although I don't understand how someone could mistake a lm for a sm.
That guy named Poppo
You know, the leader of Fyre.
are the result announced yet?it said now will be announce
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
He said it'll be announced Sunday night, but not night in your GMT (+7), I think.
Last edited by arnaufall; Jul 17, 2011 at 03:58 PM. Reason: added a word
Originally Posted by cube View Post
I think your getting local mod's mixed up with super moderators, local moderators don't have the power to infract if I'm correct only art local mods do, and local mods don't deal with account issues nor hacking. You just need to make sure every post/thread abides by that forums rules, and of course the global forum rules.

And what he said ^

Hand picked Discussion moderators are given the power to hand out infractions and ban people for offenses on that board iirc. I'm sure other boards have their moderators who can do this but I wouldn't know.
Not giving a fuck about hurricanes is pretty badass - Fee

Special cases get additional rights, banning, warning and infracting to help manage a board.
but we dont make a habit of it, nor do they have those rights outside of the board theyr the mod of.
99.9% of the time you'll stay a regular localmod.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-