Originally Posted by ynvaser View Post
I'll say I actually agree with ImmortalPig on this one. Given the proper precautions, an isolated AI won't ever surpass it's hardware limitations. It won't suddenly start growing an ethernet cable and reach for the nearest modem inch-by-inch. It also won't start 3D printing an army of terminators or whatever without being hooked to a 3D printer (and the internet to get a general idea of what it's supposed to print to start murdering people).
Just keep these entities off the Internet and all is fine.

Nobody said it would 3D print an army (yes I know it was just hyperbole). And we aren't necessarily talking about a singular laboratory constructed AI either, and I have my doubts as to whether pig was. One AI is a lot easier. Anyway, the fact that we are creating an organism superior to us is probably risky (I speculate on this matter because nobody can know what this organism will think like if/when it is successfully created) regardless of how careful we are. We have had the firm upper hand over the world (for creatures our size) for thousands of years and changing that naturally comes with a certain possible risk.

However, I have another suggestion based on the project I linked in a previous post. If the computer is not as accurate or reliable as a computer then it would perhaps be less of a threat. I considered talking about limiting its short term memory but I have little understanding of such things neurologically and technologically.

Originally Posted by ynvaser View Post
To be honest, if you write an AI to open a door it won't start making it's own objectives afterwards. Asking questions is a human trait, no other animal does that, so it'd be pretty hard to achieve that in a machine.

So are you arguing that AI of the kind we imagine is impossible? The reason so many years of research and millions of pounds have gone into trying to make computers think like humans is because it is hard to do, if the machine doesn't stop acting like a machine then the project is a failure, so saying that the future of AI is the same as a door opening simple circuit doesn't really add up to me. Perhaps I have misunderstood you.
Good morning sweet princess