<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan
LIANT153 I HATE THAT PERSON BUT IT WAS YOU WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND CRAZY NINJA TO WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and no disazndud im not mad who cares its a game
Masterbation...a great time killer
arent you liant
and you cause you were nice to me at first unlike the rest of these guys you and sid
Masterbation...a great time killer
no you have to be holding my head and i did that bye my self

EDIT:you little fag i slammed the crap out of you and i said to you oh im going to decap myself and throw it in there like yesterday
Last edited by flech; Jul 8, 2009 at 12:56 AM. Reason: had to
Masterbation...a great time killer
liar... dude your a little faggot that had to say u beat me when i decaped myself
Masterbation...a great time killer
Everyone your attention my picture was just a joke to flech his bounty is still on and im sorry to waste your time.
I have been reported already and if you need to report me for falsifying then you may proceed.....
most likley my final message on the toribash forums
I just threatend you cajun style!!!
dude i was kidding calm down make it all booo hoooo waaaaa sob story geeeeze!
Masterbation...a great time killer