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Paying off infractions.
Ok, so everyone knows that tc should be sunk, so why not allow non serious rule-breakers pay off or shorten the infraction with tc? Obviously there would be a cap of how much time could be taken off each infraction to prevent people basically buying the ability to shitpost.

I can see the obvious flaws in this idea (for example it being kinda corrupt and a little evil sounding) and was wondering if anyone could see any potentially viable methods to make it work. The way I see it, the more shitposter's tc we sink, the less tc that needs to be sunk for normal members. Maybe I'm wrong about this. Lets see.
Good morning sweet princess
Originally Posted by NoKi1119 View Post
Hadn't fish made a whole shop for it a while ago though?
Even though it is moved to the HoS and no longer works, it was a thing back then.

Fish is bad at jokes and this is another example of that.

Also people should finally learn that we're not looking for ways to sink TC from every single feature of a game / forum. Covering your horrible ideas with the "but it'll sink some TC!" phrase doesn't make them any better.
Originally Posted by error View Post
I think the suggestion is more to sink TC rather than actually help rule breakers. Though the suggestion itself is rather bad, if you could add a bit more structure and thought into the idea itself as to where it seems plausible, it might be considered by the dev/devs/whatever does forum shit.

For now, I'm neutral on the entire idea.

This board is for developing ideas and adding structure to them. What's the problem here.

I was going to suggests fines as well as infractions but you can't fine people with no TC, so essentially you are punishing people for getting involved in the game/market and earning TC (or punishing them for buying it which is worse). Making infractions have an optional fine to pay then it is more equal and fair.

And whoever talked about loan scans; Why wasn't the TC they scanned confiscated? Isn't it usually confiscated?

And Sir, have you seen half the shit on this board? I mean there is literally one suggesting a cutscene at the end of each match of the loser being nuked. And this is still the worse? Ok, sure.

a) Lmods in boards like discussion are barely staff, but I'm glad you have more respect for my position then most of the community.
b) I'm pretty sure I am only in this position because they are kinda desperate and/or as a joke.
c) Knowing the rules of a single board requires much less sense than your expectations imply.
d) fite me.

Can you show the maths for the cost of paying off an infraction you suggested? Because I feel like that statement needed more maths than you gave it credit for.
Good morning sweet princess
Originally Posted by Zelda
And Sir, have you seen half the shit on this board? I mean there is literally one suggesting a cutscene at the end of each match of the loser being nuked. And this is still the worse? Ok, sure.

If we take into consideration that those who suggest that have most probably joined less than half a year ago and are most probably 12, yes, this is worse. Cutscenes can at least be fun.

I mean, why would we even want to let them pay to get rid of their infractions? Each of these infractions has a specific "weight" and infraction points stack for a reason. Letting every rule breaker pay to get rid of their infractions so that they could continue breaking rules is nonsense.

We sometimes let scammers to return what they owe to get their punishment softened and that is the only case when "paying" can help you in some way. Once again, they don't send anything to us but to those who they scammed simply because we don't need your TC. We need users to follow forum rules, and the current system helps to maintain order pretty well.
