Original Post
Holidays finally!

Entire Toribash staff wishes you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Now that we have the obligatory wishes out of the way, it's time for you to learn about a bunch of things we have prepared to ensure you don't spend this special time of the year with your family! Because who needs a family for Christmas when you have Toribash?


Christmas Crafts!
ToriSanta 2014
12 Days of Christmas

Also remember our invertebrate squid friends have persuaded Santa into hosting a Christmas Lottery!


A Christmas Carol might be a lie, if you were like Scrooge this entire year, it might just pay off thanks to the seasonal X-mas ST items! Of course you might consider gifting some of these hard earned items to others before Ghosts of Christmas come to get you.

Until 6th January, these special items will be available:

New Santa Hat - 4 ST

Elven Hat - 6 ST

Candy Cane - 8 ST

Rudolph Nose and Antlers - 8 ST

You can buy these items by PMing a Gamemaster!

The old and ugly 2013 Santa Hat/Beard have also been restocked and you can buy them in torishop, but they suck! Go earn some ST and get some real X-mas gear!


Still remember the part about being Scrooge paying off? Aww yeah! Shiai items will be 20% off until the end of 2014!

Eye Patch - 5ST 4ST!
Dark Duke - 6ST 5ST!
Kickin' Kicks - 10ST 8ST each!
Propeller Hat - 15ST 12ST!
Boxing Gloves - 15ST 12ST each!
Boxing Helm - 30ST 24ST!

That's it folks! Wolf down your x-mas food quickly and come bash with us!
Last edited by Scorpio; Dec 26, 2014 at 01:15 AM.
Will the items be available for $ in the shop after they go from shiai thread?
Pm me for deals
I mean will they still be available to buy after christmass?
Pm me for deals
Unless evil shop admins assault Santa when he'll be leaving for home, the items won't be purchasable anymore some time after Christmas, same as with Halloween items.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
How do you get shiai tokens buy them? if i got them id have a party XD
I the king of all Dogs
Originally Posted by DogSpike View Post
How do you get shiai tokens buy them? if i got them id have a party XD

You can get them by winning gmtourneys, gmhotseats, gmvictories, or do events on the forums.
