Originally Posted by blakie777 View Post
of course you have the tourney the ONLY day i have school... good job

Originally Posted by Masterj05h View Post
Blakie im sorry but it cant be convenient for everyone so instead of complaining why dont you try to organize when everyone is going to be online and tell me when that is so i can make the next tourney on a day where everyone can go but for this 1 its Thursday so we can get this started now and people in the clan will get used to clan tourneys

hmm kinda reminds me of something... ummm wait, i remember, some guy... he had a good point when he was trying to set up some sort of availability table for exact this kind of stuff ... hmm must have forgotten his name...

Originally Posted by blakie777 View Post
Aye aye captain, and no that wasn't being sarcastic or beign a dick head, your like a second leader now

Hehe thanks and work with polar on it since he already started it

Originally Posted by Polarfuchs View Post
hmm kinda reminds me of something... ummm wait, i remember, some guy... he had a good point when he was trying to set up some sort of availability table for exact this kind of stuff ... hmm must have forgotten his name...


LOL i laughed so hard, okey Im eastern standard time so thats 1 person off your list polar Also The time for the tourney has been changed to 5:30 pm Eastern standard time, to find out what time that is for you ask polar or blakie as theve agreed to help
Masterj05h Shop So cheap id have to be stupid to sell it like this... wait a seco-
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Originally Posted by Masterj05h View Post
The time for the tourney has been changed to 5:30 pm Eastern standard time

Oh for christs sake, i'll miss it by an hour.
Can you make it a little later?
no i cannot because the host wont be able to attend if i do
Masterj05h Shop So cheap id have to be stupid to sell it like this... wait a seco-
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can I still say
I'm back.
though my internet keeps crashing ive been managing to stay online for hours and i have been using that time to do stupid stuff on the internet lol but im back now lol
of course you can stay every member stays this was just an activity check to see whos still online, not on were the unactive get kicked, i dont feel like im empowered to do so, so i will not . your still here with us ghost
Masterj05h Shop So cheap id have to be stupid to sell it like this... wait a seco-
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...really... lemon guy... really... its not that far off i guess... but its more typing for u...

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