This happened at my school a few years ago. It was a prank though. Missed some classes though so i wasnt complaining.
There was a bomb threat at all 3 high schools in the county a couple years ago, but nobody made a big deal out of it. Turned out, my best friend's sister was the one who had emailed the threat to the central office that morning.
Bounafizta says:
My love for u has gotten me detention like 4 times lol
my class in a nutshell if a bomb threat happens :


girls : *continues talking without giving a shit about the situation*

"cool" boys "DON' WORRY GIRLZ !! WERE GUNNA SAV U !!

Me : Meh.
Mayonnaise colored Benz, I push Miracle Whips
My college had a shooting in the parking lot last weekxD fucking gangs. its all ignorance. had the same problem with bomb threats and kids bringing guns to my highschool. its all just gang related bs that makes no sense.
Last edited by Athanatos; Oct 1, 2011 at 02:32 AM. Reason: spelling
We had a bomb threat at my school once, I was so happeh, I missed 2 days of school. With the potential to miss many more days if the threat was legitimate. Police and fire services arrived and we got to go home. All was swell. I don't think anyone actually believed there was a bomb threat.
Well a few years ago my school burnt down so on so forth. And this was not to far from that date lol. But this is a brand new highschool that just opened this year, because it was supposed to open last year, but delayed cuz the old highschool got burnt down lol
Happy Halloween!!!!!
[u]Ultimate | Team Shit-ido | National GayTerrorist Club |Photoshop Corp.
R.I.P UNDEAD21, Beta, and Assazin
ost often these threats are just pranks anyways. But if it happens i always have that cant be too sure feeling because you cant be too sure i guess.

gah, im repeating myself.
There was a bomb threat in my school last year, but no one took it seriously, and our classes didn't even get cancelled.
[duck] 01101000 01101001 01110000 01101111 01110100 01101001 01100010 01101111 01110010
I think our school is too poor to shut down school for that long. Even when it snows above 3 inches in the city (Is a lot) they still don't and they're supposed to. We had pepperspray sprayed at a kid near the MAIN office still they kept it open. I think were just to poor to shut down school on days where there is school.
Pranks.They are everywhere..I surely wouldn't like to be in a school that has pranks...It would be very annoying,I believe.It happened last year to be a "fire" in our school,but it turned out to be a test of what we should do in case of a real one...
I am not serious (most of the time).If I were,I wouldn't talk like this would I? And yes,I confess I think Kat is awesome.