Hello. I Wood Like To, Join.

Your Characters Name: Arctic

Your Characters Age (17-90): 19

Your Characters Gender (Male/Female): male

Your Characters Fighting Style
(Real Martial art or General Sparring):
real Martial art

Your Characters Backstory: his mom used to get beat by his dad he killed his dad
to protect her from his slavery anyway he lost his mom in a war between Ember clan
and Smoke clan his mom maybe didn't get killed but who knows he hated the 2 clans
he want to revenge from the both clans that his first goal in life and maybe the last one
(he have suicidyl thoughts) he dosnt believe in friendship cuz 1 of his friends was the
first reason of his mom lost he killed him but thats not enough

Your Characters personality:Cautious-Weak-Smart-Fast
(he is a runner he dose not fight a lot he Prefer to escape the fighting)
(he killed from behind that is how he can kill)

What clan? (Ember, Smoke, Rogue (undecided)): Rogue

Will your character be a regular?:
(Will you be active enough to keep replays
coming in when needed?)
he have a super power and its strength
but he dose not know he have it he can take any Power full hit with out
and yes i will be active enough when you need some replays
just contact me using discord

Thank 'You
That was really bad sorry.
Someone tell me why this guy is highly respected by some people ???
Originally Posted by Elite View Post
bump it like a fish?

hey elite could u make me a dope sig pic, and avater that represents me?
Originally Posted by Fame View Post
hey elite could u make me a dope sig pic, and avater that represents me?

Sent you a message, check it out when you want me to do so.