Thread about me, i'm so popular weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee lol

I SAID WHAT I COOLEST? LIE! I know what im good player but i never talk about it.
YOU said what you beat All Alphas and decaped all Alphas. And you said what you super player and never lose...
I think you just idiot.. Many lie here dude. I ban you after you have started to offend all on a server. Better to say, you cut out phrases from a context

P.s. all know what im adequate person and Never I will tell the such.

P.s. I have few witness whiсh saw all your dirty phrases and they are ready to prove it..

Lol,i love raging,though sorry for that situation <.< but i really hate runners. And just spec when i see running vs me.
Yeah,im in MM,first of all,cuz im a nice guy,if people respect me. But there are a bunch of people insulting me...Thats why i rage.
Thread about me, i'm so popular weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee lol

I SAID WHAT I COOLEST? LIE! I know what im good player but i never talk about it.
YOU said what you beat All Alphas and decaped all Alphas. And you said what you super player and never lose...
I think you just idiot.. Many lie here dude. I ban you after you have started to offend all on a server. Better to say, you cut out phrases from a context

P.s. all know what im adequate person and Never I will tell the such.

P.s. I have few witness whiсh saw all your dirty phrases and they are ready to prove it..

There were a couple of lies,about the coolest thing,ok,but i meant it visually,like hes so cool and thinkin to good about his self.
I disided to duel you(*sigh* i'll just die trying.),nope,you just kicked me for that.
Yes,i kind of insulted other people,but im ready to kick some ass if they want,but most of them don't want to duel me... Im bored.
Anyways,TIcux,you MADE the other person kick me from a tourney.Though i didn't talk to anybody,and norf started to talk shit about me.I really need money right now,for my friend.So im trying to win tourneys... <.< 1 tourney at a day...=.=
Well thanks alot for f*cking my brain.
As i see,you give a shit,while talking.Im mad at you. And as i see,you'll just keep insulting me,even if i invite him for a duel(not for money)...
Everyone,who will write some shit on this thread are just idiots.(TIcux,im waiting only for your answer.This does not include you.)
"Philosophy of mankind are pink dreams of a blue planet" ~Lexx
• มวยไทย •
1) Lexx: like hes so cool and thinkin to good about his self
TIcux: It's bad? I think what i good player. And? I'm not offending anyone and not say "I decaped all Alphas people but not StabberZ and this mean what i better then you all"

2) Lexx: *sigh* i'll just die trying
TIcux: srlly? You said what you never lose.. And you said what you rape all who agree to play with you. We believe in you man!!1!!1!!1!

3) Lexx: you just kicked me for that.
TIcux: you have been inadequate. Play with those who spits you in the back - it's not my. btw, when did you start to insult everyone, several people said "kick him". I said "wait and see how this will end". And after a few your "cool" phrases you was kicked.

4) Lexx: Yes,i kind of insulted other people,but im ready to kick some ass if they want,but most of them don't want to duel me... Im bored.
TIcux: Oh. Can i kill you if i will bored? Plzplzplz.

5) Lexx: Anyways,TIcux,you MADE the other person kick me from a tourney
TIcux: This is for you the punishment for what you have with invented accusations came to our forum and started to accuse me of them. btw, tourney was hosted by me and Stazis.

6) Lexx: and norf started to talk shit about me
TIcux: he said only what he know you and your manner of communication. Today i got few screenshots* but nothing special to them no. They only shows what Norf not talk shit about you. not bigger

7) Lexx: you'll just keep insulting me
TIcux: and after that you say "Everyone,who will write some shit on this thread are just idiots"
Last edited by TIcux; Jan 25, 2010 at 06:44 PM.
It has come to my attention that the best resolution for this conflict lies in good 'ole fisticuffs

TIcux, why no duel?
So much easier than words.

Lexx, if you truly believe that you are so much better than us, i suggest we start with you dueling me with all the money you have as a wager (assuming you have under 1.3 mil)
realy you some idiot lexx...
Originally Posted by Odlov
i suggest we start with you dueling me with all the money you have as a wager (assuming you have under 1.3 mil)

Odlov right...terhaps no other way...>.>

Go TIcux!
Odlov,acctually i have 10k

6) Lexx: and norf started to talk shit about me
TIcux: he said only what he know you and your manner of communication. Today i got few screenshots* but nothing special to them no. They only shows what Norf not talk shit about you. not bigger

Yeah,about the manners,he said he'll kill me,that im dumb,that i have no cock and st. -.-
And after that you want to say the word manners?
Sigh,i only told you,lets duel,then i have KickedBanned)
Thanks alot.
"Philosophy of mankind are pink dreams of a blue planet" ~Lexx
• มวยไทย •
1) Lexx: Yeah,about the manners,he said he'll kill me,that im dumb,that i have no cock and st
TIcux: ok i have several screenshots but they on Russian Language. Norf said only what you are not a men (you wrote it how "have no cock") and what in next time better that you immediately gone complain to your mother.

2) Lexx: i ONLY told you
TIcux: :O Srly?
Last edited by TIcux; Jan 25, 2010 at 07:56 PM.
i beat him in akido
and lose to him 11 times.. replays need?
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Last edited by TIcux; Dec 3, 2016 at 08:39 PM.