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Help Squad Recruitment Drive

Help Squad Recruitment Drive

Hello friends and welcome to the HS recruitment drive. Let's go trough some topics before I explain how this will work.

What is Help Squad?
The Help Squad is a group of players that have the responsibility of helping others and moderate the following boards: Beginner Sanctuary, Technical Support, Reports, FAQ and Tutorials.

What do HS members do?
  • Moderate the boards stated before
  • Help in #support
  • Answer to questions in Beginner Sanctuary and Technical Support
  • Maintain the FAQ
  • Spend some time in beginner rooms
  • Welcome players in the Introduce Yourself board

Do I get something for participating?
Yes. HS members are rewarded with the ToriPrime perk, auto voice in #support, access to some hidden boards, ability to join beginner rooms and a fancy gray username.

How do I apply?
Send a free form application, including whatever information feels necessary, via pm to any of the HS members:
Link, Lite, Shade, Wizard, or zwouter.

The recruitment period will close 2 weeks after this post.

If you have any general questions, please post them in this thread.
"Good luck/I sent my app" posts will get you infracted and your post deleted.

Good luck everyone!
Last edited by Lite; Feb 12, 2017 at 02:29 PM.
I heard hexchat is good, and obviously #support needs activity, because well, you're help squad. On the other hand, is this the only channel to keep an eye on or is there other channels in the irc we should know about?
If you're accepted, you'll be able to see all information you need to know.

Generally speaking, #support and #toribash are where people go with issues. (People get lost and go to #toribash sometimes, it happens)
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
Originally Posted by Lite View Post
We can help you setup an IRC client but #support activity is quite important.
We're looking for 2-3 people.
If you don't know how to help someone you can always ask other members about it
Add anything you feel relevant to your app

alright that cleard it all up for me, seems that my concern's aren't that much of a matter.

thanks alot.
Parrot | Tabby | Nike | [Midnight] | Foxy | Deridor | Joel

Helping admins since 2013 (Can't ya'll leave this alone?)
Reta's Bitch, Property of Kriegery, Bribed by Bird, Tinerr 4 President.
Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Take the land, that must be taken. Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Devour worlds, smite forsaken
Originally Posted by Smaguris View Post
Hello, what if my application is longer than 5000 characters thus can't be sent by a message?

You should really try and shorten it.


Originally Posted by Link View Post
I'd look here to get an idea:

Originally Posted by Dargon (From the Thread Link mentioned)
Keep your application short and to the point. AND FOR HAMPA'S SAKE, DON'T TELL US HOW MATURE YOU ARE! Really, if you want to point that out show it with our application and actions, instead of simply writing it to your app.

Read the whole of the thread from Link's quote, it's very helpful for app writing and the average length required, >5000 characters is way too much.
Yeah thanks I've read it. However, I am not able to get my point across in short app and considering rule 5 of the post there should be no problem in that ^^ Thanks though.