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The Vid
Right, ive taken a look at the replays from the replays thread, and i thought i would show u how well i thought u each individually did. If u dont want to see the truth, dont look.

Brownstain: 6.5/10, lol, a lot of them made me laugh (in a good way), i thought they were good, but a few of them let you down

Xilitor: 5/10, all replays seemed very samey, a lot of them looked like u just posted the same replay twice... Nothing really spectacular

begin: 7/10, inconsistent, but some very good replays.

Jaco: 8/10, awesome replays, but the rating could be lifted to 9 or even 10/10 if u madmanned after the initial hit.

LadyDEATH: 6.5/10, good replays, but very stiff! If i speed them up, it shouldnt really be very noticeable though.

Fizzle: 6/10, very odd style... not sure if i like it or not yet :S

Mrlebo: 2/10 bad replays, only 3 of them...

Megajuice: 5.5/10, not bad, but not great either. RunningMadmanAttempt should be done in sambo gravity.

Gynx: 9/10 very good, good variety of madmans/splits. Would have been even better if you included some multiplayer ones too

ShadoDance: 6.5/10, generally pretty good, but, it says different names under the score, so either they aren't yours or you have multiple accounts. Right, i think u could improve by not making a few of them look quite as stiff (such as air combo), and rather than having a lot of small hits, having 3 or 4 big hits that do a lot of damage. If u don't understand what i mean, please PM me or talk to me on irc, ill help u further if u want.

Bork: 3/10 not great, only 2 there

Doxl: ?/10 the replays there were very good. More of them please (Im not rating because there were only 2 there, but they were very good, so any rating i would give would be unfair)

A problem that a lot of u share is that u dont madman after the initial hit. This is good usually, but if NONE of u madman after this first hit, the vid wont be great. U need to balance decap/splits with madmans with manipulations with online replays.

In the replays attached, '000_cool32' is a replay where ive only done a decap, and the other 2 are replays where i COULD have stopped after the first hit, but didnt.
Attached Files
000_cool32.rpl (93.5 KB, 13 views)
000_madman12.rpl (182.7 KB, 11 views)
000_madman15.rpl (170.5 KB, 10 views)
Last edited by Moop; Mar 7, 2009 at 12:18 PM.
one time i had a hair deep in my urethra and when i pulled it out it felt kinda good ~fudgiebalz 2020

<~Skul> they're not children, they're demon midgets
<~Skul> if you kill one in front of the rest, they'll scatter and leave