Posted Bonus level with level description and the conclusion to journey 1
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UkeSmashBonusCompletion.rpl (164.4 KB, 66 views)
Pirate: smilies, your textures kick so much ass

<~ClockworkMonkey> sometimes, you don't try really hard and things just work out

haha bonus was fun. made me wonder.... what now?
great series smilies, can't wait to see what else you have for everybody

this is my finish to the epic journey.
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We don't hire night janitors.
this mod is Perfect... i can do only medium... thats a pitty, but still ITS PERFECT 10/10 tnx smiles... you are a very good mod maker...
wow i cant even walk
i suck =(

EDIT : OK im gettin better but the only stage i passed was the bonus stage

2EDIT : okie i suck now bcuz i only passed the bonus stage cuz i editted the gravity. DAMN WHY THIS SO HARD
Last edited by kenn_old; Dec 26, 2008 at 01:52 AM.
it's hard to run in these mods so can you make some mods without those weird foot things for ppl who know how to run.

but still amazing mods
Last edited by S3D; Dec 26, 2008 at 07:01 PM.
Mah DA
❒Single ❒Taken ✔Dubstep
Woot! You know whats wierd? The EASY one was soooo hard, while I managed to finish the MED one. I'll show u the replay, but get ready to sleep for 2k frames, I spent 4400 frames to finish it. Check out how i got pass the 2nd ledge in the middle! XD
Attached Files
HowTheNubsDoEet.rpl (407.5 KB, 50 views)
[T] | ORMO
[20:18] <@Cevius> Like semen?
the tori in it (bleep)ing sucks....... but if it was a normal tori it would be epic
with the gay feet 6/10
with like a normal tori it would be 10/10
My account is for sale!!!!!
BUY IT 45$/orange box. my inv is right there <3
My codename is Grendel. My job is to kill the evil professor U Ke who wants to acquire world domination with a devastating virus. I've followed him into his headquarter, but when I haste onto the rooftop I see him fly away with a chopper.
I activate my last energy reserves and run towards the edge of the building. I jump - and catch the cold metal of the helicopter. Joy permeates me as I climb into the rattling machine, finally I'll be done with my mission.
There I see U Ke, surprised about my appearance. With all the force I'm able to apply I kick him into the chest. He stumbles backwards, but my powerful attack also pushes me out of the vital vehicle. But that doesn't matter now, I've fulfilled my duty. The last thing I see before crashing into the ground is U Ke, SWINGING BACK INTO THE HELICOPTER.
Attached Files
failed_assassination.rpl (145.0 KB, 51 views)
Originally Posted by BladeNin
Is he a player or a monster?