View Poll Results: which operating system do you think is better?
29 Votes / 43.94%
16 Votes / 24.24%
21 Votes / 31.82%
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Windows are for people that work in offices and who do alot of writing. this is also good just for games because Windows supports more game which can be played in steam, discs, or just downloads. the system it self is expensive and when buying a new computer most of then come with new windows. use them in i.c.t in england.

Linux is more complex and is not for the gaming people type and the writing but they could also use if for writing. cheap system. you can get laptops what come with Linux.

mac is more for people who draw and use photoshop, virtual music. this is for the creative people. this is used in most schools for music and art in the United Kingdom. if you are going to buy a apple they are really expensive for one thing. THE PRODUCT NAME!.
Originally Posted by EverBlade2 View Post
Linux can be made to be compatible with nearly anything, and is a good OS for programmers and developers.

OSX and Windows pretty much came from the same OS and then went in different directions. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Although windows has decided to try and copy OSX features recently, which is a bad move in my opinion.

linux is not just for developers who want access to all the internals, but for those in the free community driven market, as in gimp users, blender users etc... common misconception that you must be a programmer to use linux, it's designed for all

OSC and windows both came from UNIX (they both basicly used the same kernal), they split off some 25 years ago and I would be surprised either mac or microsoft are still using a kernal that's some 30 years old, both would have edited it beyong recognition or even remade it.
also the whole idea of icons, desktop and movable windows for each process was in macOS first, microsoft have copied mac from word go

Originally Posted by GenkiSudo View Post
You couldn't be more wrong with that statement.
Macs are always, always, ALWAYS way too overpriced for its specs, when compared with a regular computer. And you don't need to be tech savvy or a genius to stomach that reality.

true, but build quality is far superior, most windows designed computers are built of cheap plastic

Originally Posted by hellopppp View Post
See, more malware is created for Windows because it's more common than OSX or Linux.
The point is to affect as many as possible.
If OSX were to be more common than Windows, it is likely that will be the main target for Viruses and such

the main reason OSX and linux have less virus's is the huge amount resources dedicated to virus protection, both OSX and Linux release packages almost every week, windows does have a huge back log that it can't possibly catch up.

Originally Posted by Luxxx View Post
Personally, I chose Linux because despite the massive number of distributions, some unsupported and such, I feel that Linux has the best technical support and userbase.


windows if you are a gamer, make sure you get decent virus software though
mac if you despise virus software slowing you down, and prefer to game on a console
Linux for most people, most OSX and windows users would be very happy with ubuntu
I type as I speak, with several commas and run on sentences, dont be hatin'.
Macs aren't for gaming and such because the majority of the people who buy macs use them in order to do major media. For the rest of the world there's windows, get over it please, macs are expensive because people who need that kind of power are willing to pay for it.
Originally Posted by Hybrid101 View Post
Macs aren't for gaming and such because the majority of the people who buy macs use them in order to do major media. For the rest of the world there's windows, get over it please, macs are expensive because people who need that kind of power are willing to pay for it.

This is correct. I couldn't really say anything wrong with this statement.
Originally Posted by MARDOBOY View Post
Originally Posted by Hybrid101 View Post
Macs aren't for gaming and such because the majority of the people who buy macs use them in order to do major media. For the rest of the world there's windows, get over it please, macs are expensive because people who need that kind of power are willing to pay for it.

This is correct. I couldn't really say anything wrong with this statement.

Yes there is something wrong with that statement: Having people willing to pay for it doesn't make the price fairer or more justifiable. Plus a lot of people who buy a mac don't look like they'll produce anything to do with media. Just saying.
"There is enough on earth for everybody's need, but not for everyone's greed." - Mohandas Gandhi
Hey Genki, did you know Macs are cheaper than PCs?


25% appletax ftw.

(yes I have decided to troll because no one replied to my previous post. I guess being objectively correct is just not worth attempting to dispute)
(also did you hear the one about Macs being good for creative people? pfffttchaahahahaha)
(also, > mfw people are arguing hardware and not OS. Do they realise I can run OSX on my PC and W7 on my Mac and Linux on my iPhone? )
(also, the OP image really sums it up. OSX and Windows users really love hardware, and not their OS. Where as Linux users tend to love the OS, and not care too much about the hardware. The image is actually a really great example, as it shows both the OSX and Windows users with huge rigs, where as the Linux user has a small simple laptop doing amazing things. Another example is the CR-48, simple hardware (with noteable differences), but the focus is on OS)
Last edited by Gorman; Dec 13, 2010 at 09:57 AM.
Originally Posted by Gorman View Post
Hey Genki, did you know Macs are cheaper than PCs?


25% appletax ftw.

(yes I have decided to troll because no one replied to my previous post. I guess being objectively correct is just not worth attempting to dispute)
(also did you hear the one about Macs being good for creative people? pfffttchaahahahaha)
(also, > mfw people are arguing hardware and not OS. Do they realise I can run OSX on my PC and W7 on my Mac and Linux on my iPhone? )
(also, the OP image really sums it up. OSX and Windows users really love hardware, and not their OS. Where as Linux users tend to love the OS, and not care too much about the hardware. The image is actually a really great example, as it shows both the OSX and Windows users with huge rigs, where as the Linux user has a small simple laptop doing amazing things. Another example is the CR-48, simple hardware (with noteable differences), but the focus is on OS)

Indeed my brother.

It all comes down to philosophy of business. We both know that Windows and OSX come from a heavily materialistic and commercial background. They are symbols of economic power, monopolies and precursors of capitalism itself. And users tend to get absorbed into that mindset, where everything is marketing and fiction, their truths no longer resemble the Reality, and the prices will never be fair because they hold economic monopolies in their own ways - and have been sued numerous times by governments for that same reason, btw.

Thats where Linux stand out, philosophically speaking. It comes from a humble background, where the main idea is freedom, sharing, having a caring community, being free of cost while keeping all the versatility intact, and so forth... Something similar to the concept of the Internet freedom itself.

You are right about the machines. Linux users do tend to have less powerful machines because they know they don't need more as they can still do more by having less than most people. I mean, this isn't just chit chat. It is a fact that a lot of Linux distributions will run fine on very old machines, while still offering support for a lot of modern software, something you can't really say about old Windows and OSX versions. An example of that is Puppy Linux, an amazing little distribution that can do miracles on old machines and still boot faster than most powerful machines running Windows and OSX. hehe.

Anyway, to sum it up. Nowadays this materialistic view is all about having the reputation of the most "shiny and glossy machine, that is sexy on the design", while ignoring the price vs specs vs functionality ratio.
And thats a problem in our society, IMO, as its a sad thing that we keep judging stuff by the looks, not by the essence...
Last edited by GenkiSudo; Dec 13, 2010 at 05:50 PM.
"There is enough on earth for everybody's need, but not for everyone's greed." - Mohandas Gandhi
Originally Posted by Gorman View Post
(also, > mfw people are arguing hardware and not OS. Do they realise I can run OSX on my PC and W7 on my Mac and Linux on my iPhone? )

OSX wil only run on some intel bases IBM's (to my limited knowledge :B)

and only 1st gen iphones/ipod touch's will run linux
I type as I speak, with several commas and run on sentences, dont be hatin'.