I'm searching for some members in my org.
ZA = Zombie Army
look for it

and evil is the best clan what can join the org. ^^ or ?
the point of the org. is the evils players in tb to find
Alright, I sent a pm to Loach asking to have an alliance with my clan, Unknown, and he accepted it...So I just added you guys to the allies wall...Btw, you wrote the tag wrong, Loach. Our tag is [u].
Requesting a alliance between XIII and Evil.

I thought it might be a good idea since I am helping you guys out in the Clan War(Not that you need it)

Anyways, I'm not sure if i am suppose to pm loach or what, so I just posted here.

Thank you, I will leave you to discuss our Clan.


<Jarmund>puta keppario
Cogito ergo sum
Ex-Tori Agent | OBT Member | [Reaper] | A.k.a. void/prada
Ok thanks, adding to ally list :3
<Jarmund>puta keppario
Cogito ergo sum
Ex-Tori Agent | OBT Member | [Reaper] | A.k.a. void/prada
Umm ya... I'm here about the whole Matt issue. I respect the people in this clan and this whole fight between you guys isn't exactly good for our clans. So I'm purposing a little let off from both sides because I think that there is no reason for this. But then again this is your clan so, you decide.
