Originally Posted by texatz View Post
I was jumping in the coach and fall, then... My head was bleeding.

I GOT NINJE'D !!!!111!1!1!!1!!!! D:

PTDx n00b!

I fell off my bike when I was going fast and my friend rode over my head lol.
[03:39] <idabosswiz> can't you just set up a pass for ddos?
Originally Posted by TheSecret View Post
dislocated my left wrist

which hurts more then a fracture

Which is funny because fractures are a lot worse.
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
I've fractured my right arm before, it hurt, but it didn't hurt too much, from what my dad told me dislocating a wrist is worse. He was an athlet and PE teacher, so he must know :|
oh yeah
When a guy the same age as my friend and I asked to suck my friends dick in a bathroom at camp at the age of around 9 and when my friend made a confused face and said no, the guy looked at me.

*True Story*

I fell out of a window once.

That hurt like hell.
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
Reading all of these almost made me throw up....I mean

Riding my bike super fast fell and hit my head to the floor then I couldn't move for like 10 seconds and my head was bleeding.......the weirdest thing is it didn't hurt........
Well, for me, pain divides into two categories. KABOOM-pain winner would be the time I split my ear trying to dodge the stuff my sisters were throwing at me, and constant, ominous pain would be the many times I ate more than my stomach could handle.
I tried to ollie down a 13-flat-15. It was so big and everyone was so keen so I just tried and committed fully except my wheels bit the board and didn't roll anywhere. I was going pretty fast to try and clear the set, so I flung forward straight into the ground.

Hip and shouldered the concrete so hard.
Pain was so much. So much. But for some reason I was completely fine in an hour.

I also frontflipped onto my face, on the side of a curb. But that doesn't constitute as pain because I didn't feel any of it due to my level of intoxication.