Originally Posted by isaac View Post
Meh I'll get used to these forums... Hopefully

you will... I did. :P
It's okay... To me there are pros and cons
Cons: Dislike the colours, thinness, a stickied thread isn't yellow now, and there's no player stats button and active button below the avys now D:
Pros: It says when someone last edited and the torishop is pretty coolio.
I prefer the old one. It would be nice to have an option to switch it back and forth, maybe.
It's a very minor difference, in my opinion. Took basically no time to adjust.
Albeit, this layout suffers the same problem as the old one. Still doesn't look that great.
And it still doesn't match the main site,

You need to adopt a layout here that matches that.

Although, I love the slogan on the logo.
ToriForums: Posting Perfected.

That's quality.