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Further support on duel cases
Many duelest have seen it and realized it, duels are becoming full of loopholes and lies.

Basically what Im suggesting is either a return of fully supported item duels or an item duel command with 4.3 or what ever the next release is. I'll give a example to show why this is an issue.

Ex1: Bob duels Jimmy his 3 full 512's vs Jimmy's 1 Million tc(I'm using extremes to show the point) Bob loses and feels like a jerk. In his head he knows it will take him months to regain those such valuable items but he also knows that ban length is 1 month and the admins will not do the transfer for him. Instead of paying him he takes the ban because he knows he will be reunited with his items after 1month.

That is the mind set of many of the duel scammers, seeing they would never recover the lost items so just get banned with them.

Loopholes are also an issue

Ex2: Tom is a dueling book worm and knows every rule inside and out and isnt afraid to abuse them. With the addition of duels not being supported if involved "rules" he intentionally gets John who is not a rule worm like Tom or just doesnt expect the worst. Tom loses but because of the rules the admins dont handle the case and the scammer is free. With john now aware of the loopholes he uses them, Tom uses them and it spreads to everyone spiraling out of control(Kinda how it already has)

Those are just some of the loopholes abused in duels.

Im only making this suggestion to save duels before its really too late. I talked with firebolty about this case and he said he saw how it was an issue aswell but Im unaware if any discussion or consideration ever took place so I'm just placing this here so everyone can see whats on the minds of the duelest.

P.s Dont let this accounts join date fool you, I've been around for years and I can proudly say before duels were unsupported the dueling community was safe and scam rates were much lower than they are now, another thing to think about.

Quotes and discussions.

Last edited by moneyboy99; Feb 13, 2013 at 04:18 AM.
I am leaning towards aasazin's Idea of a duel mod for item duels, which would ultimately end many scams as I have said again.

A duel could not start without having the items and there is no way to go back after you agree. My idea...


Last edited by moneyboy99; Feb 13, 2013 at 10:20 PM.
Originally Posted by moneyboy99 View Post
I am leaning towards aasazin's Idea of a duel mod for item duels, which would ultimately end many scams as I have said again.

A duel could not start without having the items and there is no way to go back after you agree. My idea...


I've mentioned this before, and no one else payed any attention to it.
People fail to recognize dueling as a legitimate profession in Toribash, so it becomes the lowest priority.
Originally Posted by moneyboy99 View Post
Well that system would end all work period cause they wouldnt have to deal with any more unofficial cases

Not ALL work just a large chunk of it.
Well seeing how there are multiple problems solving A CHUNK of it is better than what we have atm. I know there are gms out there who want this but are the staff even considering this?