life slows down when our efforts arent constantly spent on organized efforts and occasionally spent unwinding and just doing something by yourself, for yourself.

If you can never find free time in your daily life, then you're doing it wrong.
He's not "Suicide Do" if he's not banned!
I don't see the point in learning so much shit in school. China, for example, is insane. They make students retarded (in the smart way). They make students right with right and left hands. WHAT'S THE POINT. It's not like everyone is going to be a scientist or writer.

"Oh no, I forgot to study the last 38 pages. I'm going to fail."

They're not even children anymore. I live in China right now and if you don't trust me, get your ass over here and watch. I saw this little kid (about 8) reading a big-ass textbook while walking across the sidewalk. It's like we're dogs. They think we just eat, sleep, learn, eat, sleep, eat some more, learn.

The good thing is that I'm don't go to a local school. International schools are 3 times more relaxed but we still get loads of homework.

I wish I was in America again.
[T] | ORMO
[20:18] <@Cevius> Like semen?
Well in america, you have overly lazy and apathetic kids who no one gives a shit about and they are left to "learn" the limited lessons available in school, while focusing on having sex and socializing and all around never being responsible or mature...

If that's better than china, kill me now.
He's not "Suicide Do" if he's not banned!
Hey, there's a fair chunk of kids in America that go to good public schools, such as magnet and IB and the like.

Speaking of IB, I get to spend my next four school years at Stanton College Prep :3
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
Well, I think to know the answer to this question you would need to see what kids have really been doing all over the place. Every kid at my school is a virgin and there are at most 5 guys that got in to drugs or smoking and the likes. But of course, in other areas, the standards are different, and certain stuff is "the norm". Are kids really "growing up" faster than 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50 years ago? Or is it just that the things that are causing them to seem like they're growing up faster be different than 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50 years ago? This question can only be answered by someone with an amazing insight on a huge time span and a huge number of different areas.
Which nobody really has.
I think they're making kids grow up faster becuase the economy is shit right now. And how the kids are brought up today. Determines the world's future. (In my opinion).

I think it's a good thing that kids are growing up faster. They get a feel of "Real life" and what it takes to survive in the real world.

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Kids aren't seeing the 'real' world until they leave home and come to the realisation that despite what mummy and daddy might say, the sun does, in fact, not shine out of their ass.
except some mummies and daddies are as much shit as the real world as the real world itself, and some kids are born, exposed to it.
He's not "Suicide Do" if he's not banned!