Originally Posted by Chac View Post
Well duh, they can't just create a cell out of thin air. They used a host cell - probably a stem cell, which they also used for cloning- to make the synthetic one.

You could create a cell out of raw proteins, lipids, and minerals though, which they didn't do. You'd also need to have god-like control at an atomic level to pull it off.

It's like how you could use the energy and chemicals released from an ignited match to recreate an unused one if you had the mechanical dexterity and means to reassemble the chemical make-up of the match.

The article seemed to just cover another instance of bioengineered borrowing.

Create sillicon-based life and I'll be impressed.
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Hyperboloids of wondrous Light
Rolling for aye through Space and Time
Harbour those Waves which somehow Might
Play out God's holy pantomime

Also, Gubbin is neat.

Originally Posted by Edsonmilan View Post
Well yeah that could happens ¬¬ but they would need emotions, learn to think and if they create that we are *********.

Well they didn't create a person. They just created artificial bacteria, but possible advances in science may lead to that.
Not from scratch though
Ecophilosophical communism... whatever the hell that is... or Psychosolcialism...
It is a start atleast. I mean, Cells make up living things. If they can figure out how to link them together along with artificial DNA(I have no clue how that would work) They might have something even more amazing in the near future.
Originally Posted by Edsonmilan View Post
Well yeah that could happens ¬¬ but they would need emotions, learn to think and if they create that we are *********.

not if we create life without those features. who said it has to be human based?
Originally Posted by hipotibor View Post
i watched that on the news. this is the first step of creating new biological species

I think i said something similar :3 any who nice to see someone agreeing with me
I think it's amazing..Just think how long it took nature to create the very first reproducing cell.. It's almost unreal
Originally Posted by Hamster View Post
Create sillicon-based life and I'll be impressed.

Depends a bit on how you define life.
If you're lenient, you might be able to call a computer program silicon-based life.

The more picky you are the further done the road it is, but I don't see it being to far off for scientists to possibly be able to create a silicon molecule that, under the right conditions in the right environment, would successfully self-replicate.

<Ownzilas> Alright
<Ownzilas> 3'2 then
<Ownzilas> Half PID's dick.