Originally Posted by blindragon667 View Post
hes always around you because the moon is aligned with chuck norris's left fist

i dont get it but it made me laff cus no one else understood it.
<Hanz0> Crush his hopes and dreams in the palm or your hand.Doitdoitdoit ;D
can you stop doing this?

Originally Posted by buttcheeks View Post

if so, ur in
<insert (something) here>
LOL. this is such a fail org, but it has a point...
<Hanz0> Crush his hopes and dreams in the palm or your hand.Doitdoitdoit ;D
Originally Posted by Cataclysm View Post

That's a stupid fucking word. It looks like ep-i-tome. But it's pronounced ee-pit-oh-mee. That confuses me. And why is it like that? Because the people that made the English language fucking HATE ME. And you know who made the English language? ENGLAND!!! But the problem with England is their music sucks! American music is better. The greatest American bands are those like Black Sabbath, the Eagles, Rush, and Papa Roach. Papa Roach? What kind of fucked up name is that? He's probably all dirty and nasty and stuff...'cause he's a roach. Somebody ought to hit the little bastard with a newspaper or something...OMG newspapers rock! They should put my awesome texture editing skills in a newspaper. The only problem with newspapers is that they are all bland and boring. That's the total opposite of my personality, which is funny, sensitive, and just generally AWESOME. You know what else is awesome? Your mom, all night long. OMG the night (when I'm not doing your mom) is when I sleep! Sleep is the opposite of wakefulness! Wakefulness is an AWESOME WORD. This is because it combines two words. Wake, which is a part of a funeral (and we all know death kicks ass), and FULNESS which is one l short of fullness, which is the feeling you have after a nice big meal. I LOVE EATING. But even though I eat a lot I'm still really skinny. You know who else is really skinny? Anorexics. Anorexic has rex in it, which is part of T-Rex. T-Rex was a dinosaur, which means "great lizard." You know what else is great?


Yeah, consider this an application for the coleader position in this here org.

EDIT: Just realized blindragon took it. But cmon I'm more random than him...But anyway, how about my own position? "Master of Randomness" And since I am the master of randomness, you will put at the top before the post, in large bold letters: HIDINGWARIOR: MASTER OF RANDOMNESS

It'll look like this:


Eh? Eh? Eh?

Last edited by hidingwarior; Jul 12, 2008 at 01:44 AM.
but ummm. i know blindragon and he was first.
ur not teh master of randomness... that all had to do with something. when you said the word "English", it led to "england" and music led to band names in america. not random this is random: "one day, i was watching naruto. a giant football tree came down from the sky and gave me copper wiring. <-----[COLOR="Red"]RANDOMZ0RZ![/COLOR]
Last edited by Tiebasher; Jul 12, 2008 at 02:26 AM.
<Hanz0> Crush his hopes and dreams in the palm or your hand.Doitdoitdoit ;D
and by the way, i didnt even read half of that ppost it was too long. :/
<Hanz0> Crush his hopes and dreams in the palm or your hand.Doitdoitdoit ;D
Actually if you had read it you would realize it was all random. That was a class A example of a good old fashioned rant. I did not think about things at all, I just let my fingers do the typing. I didn't plan ahead, I just branched off of certain words as the relations came to me. I basically typed WHATEVER happened to be going through my head at the moment.