Favorite genre of music: not sure how i am supposed to pick so heres a list
breakbeat, dnb, rave breaks, ambient, house, terrorcore/industrial hardcore
i might remember more later
edit damn i had shit taste
Least favorite genre of music: probably raggae or something like that
Favorite music artist: The Future Sound of London
Least favorite music artist:i dont know
Favorite music sharing website: youtube i guess
One example of your favorite music: too many genres but heres 3 of my favourite songs
Last edited by pusga; Oct 24, 2015 at 11:55 PM.
oh yeah
Hey Rikev! You are now a member!
But that example... I personally hate country, so that example was horrid to me. But I do like chillstep. ;)
I think you may like this:

Whats goin' on Pusga. ;) You're in! The examples you gave were interesting.
: D I like how abstract it was. Welcome to [MLO]!


Member list updated.
Last edited by Galaxy; Dec 3, 2014 at 06:17 PM.
Name: sled
Age: 15
GMT: -5
Favorite genre of music: Hip/hop Rap
Least favorite genre of music: Classical
Favorite music artist: ya' know those artists who the second the release anything you just download or buy it because you like them so much?? Well for me that is Wiz Khalifa and MGK (machine gun kelly)
Least favorite music artist: Don't really have one.
Favorite music sharing website:
One example of your favorite music:

also anyone who really likes electronic stuff and remixs, check out this amazing channel on youtube.

here is an example: [
also they don't make the music they just throw out a couple songs a day that are awesome. Highly recommended.
How are you doin' Sled? Guess what, you're in!
About your examples...I actually like them. I'm usually into old school rap, but these ones were ok.
And that channel that you suggested, I actually like some of their stuff. ;)
Their animations weren't too bad either.

Welcome to [MLO]!
good, you? and thank you. I hope to share my music interests with everyone!

And yeah the one link in the middle is the only kinda old school track there, yet most of his old stuff has the "old school" vibe. Which I think is cool. Though I like the stuff he made in 2011-2013 the most. I will share what I mean later on
From hearing those rap songs, I forgot I also dislike rap a little bit unless it's mixed in with some other type of decent music. This is a rap song for the ages, I know every single word.
Chem. <3 I love that song. But I would consider the genre the of the Red Hot Chili to be a combination of funk, rock, punk and alternative. But the song is still great either way.

This one if probably one of my favorites: