i like teakkyon.
but suck so much at it =p
its nice because it involves lots of skill and knowing how to move your tori.
really nothing i can improve about it
taekkyon's one of my fav mods, (aikido's better imo )
I like how you can beat the shit outta someone and blast their ass into little tori-bits with a huge hit.I would consider playing a mod that fixed all the problems of normal taekky.
>Hand dm's are annoying as heck.
>Not being able to reach the opponent and flopping aimlessly is even more annoying.
>You're winning, but the opponent manages to slam a flying piece of you to the floor is an upsetting way to lose.
>Get rid of hand dm
>Off with dq
>Normal distance and gravity settings, but put players in an invisible cage. Flying away because of a hand dm? Bounce off a wall
<fett175> So what you're saying is, I can type whatever I want here and it will be at the bottom of all my posts?... AWESOME
What's good about it?
Its the only mod closest to ukebashing.
> What's bad about it?
Some times points make sence, (50k dmg for a hand snap and 15k for a split) again "some times"
> And if i could find a way to make a mod that fixed those bad elements, would you consider playing it?
The mod is good as it is, the olny problem are the damn pussy quitters... I mean fuck!
I cant finish a fucking game, they all rage quit.
[ORMO] [OLDA] [The Team] [The JHX Experience]
Good day Dr. Freud
> If you like taekkyon and why
It's great. Most professional mod I played so far.
> What's good about it?
That you can do so much in just 120 frames.
> What's bad about it?
The point system. You get 260k points by kicking someone really solid at the arm. While you decap him and get 50k. Stuff like that. Other experienced players would know.
> And if i could find a way to make a mod that fixed those bad elements, would you consider playing it?
Random DM's seem to be a problem.
master of the universe
not a fan
its not one of those mods where general toribash/ingame skill is applicable, if you're great at kb, judo, aikido, and wushu, but never play tk, and try play against someone who plays it regularly, you will lose.
its a mod where you have to know exactly what youre doing and how youre doing it and then isnt applicable to any other mod. some might argue that its a good thing, but i dont agree.

10 tf is too short for my liking, 120 frame games are too short.
its just a competition of who can get their kick in the earliest. while the 10 tf give you the illusion that countering/avoiding/blocking will make a difference, and then your hand breaks and its wasted.

most matches, i know i wont get the first hit in, so i go about trying to soak up the opponents move or blocking with a hand grip or something. useless tho when the kick touches you and you explode or block and your wrist breaks

id much prefer messing around with KB to make it more stable. the 20 tf and 220 frames are much more managable and general tb skill/ knowledge is more applicable.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Tk is the least professional mod besides judo.

Mainly cause people only sick their arm out and wait.

Also, I think if the wrists didn't dm so easy it would be a better mod.

but do to the dm being the same as judo, it's just as easy to dm.
> I don't like taekkyon
> I like it because you can try many kick
> I don't like it because it's boring and slow
> yes, I think it have to be more fast and without dq because people never make it
2010simoDK, the legend is back
Italians do it better
Meh its ok if you like that sort of thing. But to me I suck at it due to it being slow paced and seeing little reward.