Re: Replay2Instructions -reverse engineer replays!
Nice work; but there are still some bugs to be fixed. ;)
Moves from Beyond
Non-Euclidean Styler, because ordinary space has never been that handy.
n-Dimensional Soldier, because it is just easier to swat your enemies if you have unlimited volume and a boundless number of limbs.
Re: Replay2Instructions -reverse engineer replays!
thank u so much , but can u make it so that it tells u the settings too,
\o/ _\*TORIGOD*/_\o/
There are other settings too, like engage height, and rotation. I think they should be added in too (assuming you're willing that is =P).
Be careful...
...we're watching.
*restraining self from murdering Spaztic for double Post*

and yeah Wtf has it gone? it will not load...
The Secret of Epicness dies with me.