
been awhile man
doing raidchallenge backwards... you're ridiculously crazy. we've been talking on instagram for awhile and when you mentioned you released another replay, i had to check it out. it was shit, my ass. you did it beautifully and quickly. i see the rust but i also see that you've lost none of your previous skill.

your opener is beautiful, as with all your openers. some times i feel that i'll never get that sweet of a launch. dodging that first blade was sweet shit, and i feel that it was purely a coincidence ;)

you're a little stiff in places, and grabbing with your legs really slowed you down in some places, but overall you completed it with great speed and fluidity. we've gotta make a replay together again, i miss trying to beat you!
Beginning is very your style of climbing, alot of small inch contact spins around object etc etc.

Beginning however is very very quirky untill the mid section and lower quality than what the other half is made in and has some very wierd twitches and not to my liking moves, but understandable of the route that you choose.

That said, crazy idea, love that you finnished it after showing me this like 2 years ago as you started on it. Good shit dude. Gotta get back into making more of theese, they are really eye candy.
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
thanks both of you

I swear to god every time I make a replay I tell myself: "Okay, this time the climbing will be realistic"

And it never is.

profoundly grateful that jisse made a mod that interested me and that I managed to finish, not entirely sure I did it the right way since there seems to be a path that an experienced parkourist could take but I'm not even sure that Swexx in his prime could have managed it

the other replay on assassincreedhunter is something I made months ago and never got around to posting. not my best climb or replay but it's worth putting here


p.s. btw my replays are never done until the frames are done so watch em to the end I guess

p.p.s. IM NOT BACK
Attached Files
#THERE WE GO.rpl (1.83 MB, 34 views)
assassincreedhunter.tbm (26.5 KB, 25 views)
parkour_monkey_madness.tbm (33.0 KB, 21 views)
Sure the monkey madness is good and very impressive.
But it is just overuse of grip to objects with some swingarounds. BUT, there definetely is some cool moves that you do here and there. Just wished that you'd do it more like you usauly do with the flare and style to it. Nonetheless gj, doing a replay on this myself since 1 month back now so wish me luck haha x)

Assassinscreedthingy, very old replay start, remember you showing me this.

Pretty meh for you overall. Climb is the highlight, and for the love of god,when are you going to listen to me and stop looking like you're constipated when you run :angryface:

Also yeah, you better come back to show everyone how nuts you actually are.
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
I shall keep that in mind <3

Getting the feeling that I've now gotten so good at climbing that now I'll be judged on how I climb said object and not on the simple fact that I managed to climb it XD

So I was looking at old mods and realized Karbn made a Mario based one awhile back which I was originally just going to run for practice but I noticed there was something to climb.. of course I then realized that the blue sky background had a weird friction so I created a V7 of his mod (please forgive me mate) and climbed

all in all it took maybe an hour, probably much less

The other replay is the highrise rooftops replay that I actually really really don't like but since its one of my first climb replays I thought it would appropriate to post it here

Btw the reason why I'm posting so much is that I can only play once every two weeks so I'm basically fattening you guys up so you can withstand 2 weeks of my absence
Attached Files
cornelis fudge.rpl (1.41 MB, 27 views)
Mariotest_v7.tbm (24.7 KB, 22 views)
Highrise_Rooftops.tbm (30.9 KB, 16 views)
Already comented on the highrise replay sometime before, p nice replay.

Mario thing. Flow and the speed you keep is glorious, climb is meh, it's cool that you get that much hight, but you're using your standard type of launches and look super twitchy at some movements throughout it.

Away from the criticism, it's super cool. Great idea like always.

And i will hunt you down if you go AWOL on me.
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
god damnit I think I'm back

so I don't believe I've ever seen anyone finish this map for god knows what reason because it was really quite easy apart from:

1. my swing thru to Arabian while also pressing the button took a good 10-15 minutes and may be one of the hardest things I've had to do in a parkour

2. that ramp/pipes afterwards just because climbing those types of things piss me off and I didn't want to spend too much time on it so it doesn't look fantastic

other than that, replay took between an hour or two
Attached Files
journey to sit down parody.rpl (2.23 MB, 33 views)
MEDrainbuttonfix2.tbm (28.2 KB, 25 views)
look at this git, stealing my replay names n shit

Good stuff like always, run is fucking awful with the flailing of the arms though, only thing that anoys me. And some bits are really twitchy n shit but you already know that.

Also noob, didn't even make it to the propper ending door up there.

Also yeah, i forgot this mod existed. Making a replay on it aswell now. kthx
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
zubin are you fucking kidding me. i'm impressed and pissed because i'm doing a replay on this as we speak, yet you got to it before i did.

overall, great replay. your running was kind of terrible, but very unique and i enjoyed the clunky run you had going on. your climbing was okay, i can kind of tell that you were in a rush for this one. i love the commentary in all of your replays, beautiful shit. do this one again though, and properly. i know you've got that skill buried deep, so dig it out and make something that'll make my jaw drop.

the mario test, glad to see you enjoyed it you did exactly what i wanted to see from that map

also, welcome back to hell, friend <3
Last edited by Karbn; Feb 9, 2018 at 07:22 PM.