that was fucking beast

my suggestion is that you grab after the second punch and continue the combo

knee hits and movement were absolutely beautiful
Giving a "hand" for skeets.
Really nice, man.
You're putting out some consistently good replays. Keep it up dude
We're still kids in buses longing to be free.
Im baack

sorry for the inactivity and thanks everyone

I added more to my previous tricking replay. Felt like it needed more that just a missleg and a cork
Attached Files
yes.rpl (329.9 KB, 68 views)
tsu tsu cuckoo
Yes.rpl I really like the frontflip you did, and the cork after that is pretty cool but I don't like the jump after the cork, it just seems so weird and unrealistic, you could probaly have
continued to spin on your leg after the cork and turn it into something else. With that said I must say I do like your tricking style. Keep up the good work 7/10
Again sorry for the inactivity.

Replay production has been slow due to my non-creative self.

To make up for it heres a madman and a tricking replay
Attached Files
woo.rpl (224.7 KB, 51 views)
tsu tsu cuckoo
The madman was amazing, i loved the spinning opener, the split was nice and the punch in the glutes was very strong and u also made a nice skeet. 10/10

I liked this tricking the only part that could be better is the end, the problem was in the land, it could be better, btw u did really nice stuffs. 9/10
that madman was gorgeus

can't go wrong with the spinny opener

crotch punch was unbelievable

and the skeet omg that must've taken a lot of effort

love your stuff,you're getting better with each replay
Giving a "hand" for skeets.
I think the tricking replay could have been better if your cork wasn't sideways, I get that's how it's don in real life, but it just looks nicer to stay vertical.
why can i not into maintaining a thread

i sortve landed a double cork

@scyther in the madman replay pugsa did that skeet for me, so props to him
Attached Files
Tsuion - Dbl cork.rpl (253.3 KB, 60 views)
Last edited by Tsuion; Dec 30, 2014 at 09:41 PM.
tsu tsu cuckoo