nah videos are better when they are short and sweet.

not long and boring
TeamSambo - [ R A W R ] - BnW

How about if you make it long and exciting like different effects that will make people want to watch the rest :P

If only they knew, right pirate?

Good job anyways :P

<pirate> wow i almost threw up from sneezing rofl
Originally Posted by Voxus View Post
awesome replay, altho i'd prefer less SP replays >.>
in terms of vid edit tho it's epic.

WeRd wanted almost all MP, and i wanted all SP. So we kind of combined, next time though..I'm going to make my own SP only video.
Ohh nice. My moves are there. Werd is using it!. Am I right? The 360 and the second kick that turned uke in half.