ill try..and done with the fruit mod...just give me some time to post not on the right pc yet..xD




Last edited by crazylars; Jan 14, 2008 at 05:51 PM.
Originally Posted by crazylars View Post
sorry for double post but..... suggestions PLEASE...

"i've been waiting for a while"

Human tetris. In some form or another.

At least it'd be a challenge to make it work in some non-lame manner. Probably you'd have to make it so that the other player somehow directs what block is thrown, which you might be able to do by modding the other player's body: for instance, surround player 1 with different shaped blocks in all four directions, and have the body of player 2 scattered around the whole area in a way which allows him to push one block into motion, but not do anything else.

This of course probably goes a bit further than what you were looking for. Yet I'm not into suggesting trivial things, that'd be boring. Sorry.
Try a mod like cannon mod but let there be 8 cannons surrounding you like in a circle
Last edited by Madgecko11; Mar 19, 2008 at 08:39 PM.
Now with 100% less angst
wow...too many request here...xD..i will try all...ill begin on the top..eehh..i cant do human tetris..japanese's are too crazy

ok..the cannon ill try
Tetris has been made before i forget who made it (maybe Mr Poptart ) but i have the mod

Edit: Mr Poptart did make it and i posted it
Last edited by Madgecko11; May 19, 2008 at 08:58 PM.
Now with 100% less angst