Much thanks but lol chat thread is different from discussion thread
Originally Posted by Superseba View Post
Topic 2: I want to participate, just to try.
Topic 3: I don't understand the question...

This seems like a useless post... DELETE IIIIIIIIIIIIT

No, please!
I was trying to be creative with my post!!

Also, is there anyway I can contribute to the prize pool? :^ )
Felt like handing out chronic gribs.
Topic 1 : Well no idea, doesn't matter to me.
Topic 2 : Of course I'll give it a try.
Topic 3 : Well I am trying to do one thing, but I will show it when it's done (if will ever be)

"1 tf = win" Onsola 2k16
Sure, go for it.

Also, who needs a private board when you can just create a social group named [MAU]PB and invite?
Factory. Sometimes sleeping.
just delete it already
no one view it anyway
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
Ok I will delete it later then.

If you have any other suggestion or topic to discuss guys go ahead and post it here.