Hey guys. Cod vs battlefield? Its been a huge issue with me and my friends. What game do you guys think is better? I first used to love cod (ghosts in particular) but wow battlefield hardline seems epic.
-Ermac begotten soul - begotten ninja @KillshiftGamers-Parkour/Spar forever-[Origin] my story has just begun
hmm this is not the same category... I'm hesiting :/
Elle couuurt, Elle coooourt! LA MAAAAaaaAaladiiiie d'amOOoour! Dans le c... (cœur) des enfaaants! De 16 à 77 ans!
Yeah, I don't know. When I feel like rushing in and playing I like call of duty, but when I like strategizing I find myself leaning towards battlefield. Speaking of, battlefield 3 is free right now if you go to and download origin and sign up
Veni , Vidi , Vici

Do you guys have Insurgency? It's pretty close to CS or even Battlefield.
It's a tactical shooter, pretty awesome.

And what about WoT, (World of Tanks).
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