Original Post
ToriAgents and GameKeepers
We removed most of them because we thought they weren't really doing their job that well. If you were one of them and you're royally pissed, don't worry, we're going to be holding elections for new GKs and TAs soon. These will be judged partly by the community and partly by the administration, we would like you NOT to vote just for your friend, because that turns it into a popularity contest.

If you have any other complaints regarding this subject, send them to /dev/null please.

If they are extremely important, then PM me.

If you PM me for no reason, I reserve the right to ban you, keep that in mind please.

We're also increasing forum strictness a bit. Please read the rules a few times to make sure you know them.


If you would like to apply to become or rebecome a ToriAgent, read this thread and post in it:

However, still send complaints to /dev/null, and still send valid questions to me. Thank you.
Last edited by suomynona; Jul 7, 2008 at 01:10 AM.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
Originally Posted by Patrick_Unrated View Post
Also, when I was a TA, people would always say, there are to many TA's. We don't need any more. We have like 15-18 already... Well I say the more, the better, as long as they are doing there job. You can never have to many law inforcers.

I've got to agree with this. If I had a country, I'd rather have too many cops than not enough. And yes, I think that the only requirement for being kept as ToriAgent/GameKeeper is to do well your job. So, yes, making a report of who you've kicked because he was flaming, double accounting etc... every weeks would be cool.
Ok guys, I agree is not a matter of the age "in some cases", I just pointed out the age by the experience I get everyday facing those youngster. I didnt had the intention of offending nobody, I know there are pretty mature kids out there, but lets face the facts, it is not a major number of them. Maybe I would change my fist point as "TA/GK should demonstrate enough maturity to be able to be assigned"

Last edited by AMB; Jul 12, 2008 at 06:18 PM. Reason: typos
Originally Posted by AMB View Post
Maybe I would change my fist point as "TA/GK should demonstrate enough maturity to be able to be assigned"


This is an obvious rule, and possible gamekeepers will always be known quite well before they are recruited, thus no need for an age restriction.
Why wasn't a Gamekeepr thread ever put back up?

I would still like to be a Gamekeeper again if I can't be a toriagent again. At least to finish my comp I am trying to do now, but I can't because I am not a gamekeeper. So is there going to be a thread about joining to be a gamekeeper?

I also had a series of comps I was planning to do, and I was about to spend alot of money buying a logo...
ponies <3 ..-
Sorry for all typos.

"In the end, it is always good,
If it is not good now,
It is not the end."

Quote by-Unkown

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