Legend of the dragoon. As you kill the final boss, he explodes, blowing up the moon, taking the hero's 11,028 year old father with his best 11,026 year old friend with him, and you find out that your best friend killed your mother. Hero gets married to his "sweetheart", albert gets married to emily, haschel takes kongol in as a student, kongol drowns during martial arts training, meru gets married, and rose and zieg go boom.
I don't know if this particularly counts as an ending, but The Shivering Isles expansion for TES4:Oblivion had a really original close to the main quest... You end up taking over as/becoming the daedric Prince(ss) of Madness.

I was like.





A great ending and super convenient way to eliminate your character for TES5! \o/
I dont finish games that much, So the only one i liked was final fantasy X.
Its kinda cheesy,
but pretty cool if you play the hole game.
TehCaek owns this acc! BWAHAHA!
The best ending is from Mario.
I love when he jumps over koopa, pulls lever, koopa falls to lava and rescues Princess Peach.
Those in the ninja world who break the rules are scum, that's true....but those who abandon their friends.. are lower than scum.
Originally Posted by DejaVu View Post
I liked the ending to StarFox 64. I mean, the alternate ending, where you fight Andross' true form and get saved by the ghost of your dead furry father.

really? there is an alternate? how?

anyway most original ending?

probably in super mario cart and mario cart 64 where after you win the race, a giant floating fish, spits out a trophy.

some one had to be high
Last edited by ivolt; May 30, 2009 at 02:55 PM.
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
You have just killed the hive mind Boss that was in ur way to ur only chance of escaping this nightmare. Once u reach the escape ship you quickly take off before the whole mining ship explodes. I was like yes i finally survived all those crazy ass monsters when u seen in the final clip one of the monsters sneeks up behind you. All that for nothing.....just to see you die in the end
Originally Posted by Nobuddie View Post
and RE 5

What. the world gets saved because a plane falls into an active volcano with a huge opening for no apparent reason and then the heroes fly to the sunset in a helicopter with chris going the world is worth fighting for...

What a joke.
Last edited by Zaarock; May 30, 2009 at 06:43 PM.