how to make vassallo leave a skype group ;)

[9:14:39 Μ.Μ.] philippos: Knock knock.
Who's there?
Ya who?
Sorry, I prefer Google.
[9:18:10 Μ.Μ.] philippos: Why do ghosts love elevators?
Because they lift their spirits!
[9:18:37 Μ.Μ.] philippos: How many lives does a Nazi cat have?
[9:19:55 Μ.Μ.] philippos: Why didn’t the lifeguard save the hippie?
Because he was too far out!
[9:21:30 Μ.Μ.] philippos: What did the green grape say to the purple grape?
Breathe dammit, BREATHE!
[9:23:06 Μ.Μ.] philippos: How do you feel when there is no coffee?
[9:28:57 Μ.Μ.] philippos: What are a ninja's favourite type of shoes?
[9:31:05 Μ.Μ.] philippos: You hear the one about the three holes in the ground filled with water?
Well, well, well....
[9:31:40 Μ.Μ.] philippos: What did one ocean say to the other ocean?
Nothing, they just waved.
[9:32:16 Μ.Μ.] philippos: How do crazy people get through a forest?
They take the psycho-path!
[9:34:17 Μ.Μ.] philippos: What do you call an alligator that wears a vest?
An investigator.
[9:36:26 Μ.Μ.] philippos: How much does a hipster weigh?
An instagram!
[9:37:43 Μ.Μ.] philippos: What do you call a guy with a rubber toe?
[9:39:10 Μ.Μ.] philippos: What do you call a bear without any teeth?
A gummy bear!
i am awesome dont question it just deal with it
i could join if you guys take me ^^. Would you guys like to read my guide and give me feedback? i can send it to you guys if you give me some emails. I will post it to the forum later.